Chapter 18

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Theo POV

I watched the spar between the two siblings with intense interest. Abby was good at blocking, but it worried me about why. I saw the fear at first with swings from me until it faded. Her eyes portrayed an emotion that seemed to be instinct, she wasn't trying, she probably did not even know. I know she was abused, but damn, for her to be scared to this point, always on her feet. I sighed and shook my head; this was making me hurt more thinking about it now. I needed to focus, I looked back to the fight, it was quite humorous seeing these two fight again. Abby swung her arm at her brother before proceeding to kick him in the side which caused him to fly a few feet before hitting the ground. My eyes widened in shock, Derik was testing her strength, so he wasn't really blocking, I know this, but her strength was surprising. I was not expecting that, and I know Derik was definitely not, I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Oh Selena! I am so sorry Derik, I didn't know I could do that!" Abby quickly ran over to her brother worried and trying to help. That was it, I busted out laughing. Derik glared at me, and Abby was too worried to say anything to me.

"Abs it is ok, I am fine." Derik told his sister this as he grabbed her hand to be hoisted up. He glared at me again, "You wanna take over and be hit?" I shook my head as I finished my laughter.

"I'm good, surprised but good. You can keep going." I waved him on, and he shook his head with a sigh. Abby then yawned and I looked her over without her knowing, her eyes showed exhaustion. Her body was also beginning to move slower than at the beginning, she was tired, and I could tell. "Actually, I think we are good, how about we stop here and get back to it tomorrow." I looked at Derik, he looked back at Abby and got the hint.

"Yeah, you're right, plus I need to train some more with the pack and go over posts for this evening." Derik smiled at us. "I'll see y'all at dinner." I nodded and walked over to Abby.

She looked unsure as she looked at her brother, "Are you sure you're ok? That was really hard, I-" Derik held up his hand with a laugh.

"I am fine Abs; I have had worse things happen to me." She sighed in defeat, and we headed back to the house. Though I knew Derick was going to at least have a slight bruise and it made me want to laugh again but I refrained.

I asked if she wanted to go for a quick run, but she looked to the woods and shook her head. She was definitely tired. As we got inside her mother brought us snacks and told us to clean up after we had finished. Abby headed to her room and showered.

"So how is she doing?" I was startled by her mom, I turned around to see her mom and dad watching me.

"She did great actually." They must have heard something wrong with my voice since her mother placed a hand on my shoulder. I sighed, "I am just worried, in the beginning she showed this fear at every swing, it killed me, and her reflexes and blocking. They seemed to be on instinct."

Her father spoke next, "there was nothing you could have done, neither of our packs saw this coming, at least she is back home." I sighed again rubbing my face, I knew that, but I just wish I could have done something. I ran my hand through my hair.

"Go upstairs and get cleaned up, relax, she will be ok, it just may take some time." Her mother reassured me.

I nodded. "Thank you, Alpha Charles and Luna Juliana."

I got smacked in the head and a glare from her.

"Sorry, I mean mom and dad." She smiled with satisfaction and waved me off. Then I headed to my room and got cleaned up.

Abigail POV

Getting dressed seemed so difficult, I knew my muscles were going to be sore later and I just wanted to rest. I grumbled and walked out the door right into my freshly cleaned mate, and no shirt. When I say he looked good, I damn well mean it. His black hair was still freshly wet and disheveled, a body from glory, and of course he had shorts. I was very tempted to touch his chest when I shook my head.

He snickered and heat rose up and settled on my face, "like what you see?" I looked up to his smirking face. Then proceeded to look away, before he placed his hand under my chin and forced me to look at him. "You, ok?"

I furrowed and pouted, "Not the question to ask in this situation, where's your shirt?" He looked down then back up.

He was now blushing slightly and let go of my chin, "It is in the dryer, I wanted something loose but all I have at the moment are fitting." I nodded in understanding, and we stood there in awkward silence.

"Oh, did I interrupt something?" We both looked over in shock at the person speaking, a female I have not met. I instinctively stepped in front of Theo without thinking.

"No, why are you up here?" I was slightly harsh with my words on accident. Theo placed his hands on my side from behind and pulled me into his chest leaning his head towards my ear.

"Is this better than hiding me?" He whispered and I probably looked like a lobster shade red.

"I just wanted to let you know dinner was ready." She squeaked it out and afterwards she ran off blushing. Did we make her embarrassed, if so that makes two of us.

"I'll grab a shirt and meet you down there" he kissed my cheek and walked towards the pantry. I placed my hand to my cheek and smiled. I then ran downstairs and grabbed a seat.

"You look happy Abs." My brother gave me a look of question.

I nodded.

"Okay then, how do you feel?"

I deflated as I looked at my brother. He giggled.

"Har har, I was not expecting to train, or I wouldn't be this tired, it's your two faults." I pointed accusingly at him.

"What is our fault?" I looked to the kitchen entrance to find a walking Theo with a black loose shirt on this time.

"She is blaming us for her tiredness." Derik said loudly and Theo nodded.

"Makes sense." He replied to Derik as he grabbed the seat next to me and sat down.

Family dinner went by with happiness and each passing minute I seemed to get more tired. I was excused to retire early, and everyone was fine with it. I headed up the stairs and headed to bed.

I curled up in bed and wrapped myself in the comforter, it felt so much softer than I remember, I guess I was just tired. I was also joyful because Theo scent seemed to be strong so I could sleep comfortably. Darkness had taken over but then was soon disturbed after I felt the blanket taken and a startled voice.


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