Chapter 29

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Abigail POV

     The crowd began to murmur, and I sigh, I had not got a chance to say anything. I was just now coming down from my anger that was boiling in my blood.

     I look up to Theo, "I am all good now." He let go and I start back to the center. Derik and Theo shift to come back after me but I put my hand out towards them, and they stop. The woman shook and her two friends got in front trying to protect her.

     Rolling my eyes I put my hand out between them, "Lena, right? Well, it looks like I won." She refuses to shake my hand, so I put it down. "Stay the hell away from Theo, as well..." My voice went flat and there was a sprinkling of sinisterly in it, "you talk down to someone else, you are just going to have to hope there is enough of you left to put back together."

     Looking up to the pack doctor I smile sheepishly, "Sorry Doctor Lenus, she pissed me off." He sighs with a chuckle.

     "You remind me so much of your father. It is ok, I was waiting for the day she would be beat, she has been needing it for a while."

     She got angry and I laugh, "good, glad I could help." I then took a deep breath and look around at all the eyes on me.

     "I have something to say." My voice wavers at the end as something crawls up my throat. There was this dryness forming, nerves I assumed. All eyes on me and it was starting to settle in. A warmth wraps around my hand, and I look up to see Theo smiling at me, giving me confidence. I nod as silence takes place throughout the arena. "My name is Abigail; I am Derik's twin sister. As well as Theo's mate." The murmuring began once again, and Theo took charge.

     "If you don't believe her look at them both," he laid a handout toward both Derik and I, "they are identical twins! You can tell by their scent they share the same blood." He then looks at me with a smile on his face. "Then for me," his hands travel to the top of his shirt, "we both have the marks of our bond" he reveals his mark to everyone. I admire it for a short time before looking down, my face becoming hot.

     The bloody woman spoke up, "She- she's an Alpha's child?"

     Theo wrapped around me feeling my discomfort, all my confidence from earlier dissipated. "And a Luna."

     I press farther into his chest in an attempt to hide myself. He rubs slight circles on my back as we stand there.

     "Well, that was an interesting time, but it is now time to get to work, everyone back to where you were!" Derik let out his order and everyone began to disperse. "Including you two, Lena will go with the doctor. As well Lena, I hope this taught you a lesson, one not to interfere with mates. Two, you are not as strong as you think, to defend this pack you need confidence, but you also need to be able to do what you say you can. Now off you go. Thank you for getting here, Doc, leave the rest to you?"

     "You got it Alpha."

     The last few resounding steps were out of range when Theo loosened from me. "You are good now, there is no one watching."

     I continue staring the ground down, "You know they are watching. They will always watch me now."

     Derik's arm slams a little hard on my shoulder, "Then why not be confident like earlier?" I look up to see him smiling. I sigh pushing his arm off.


     "Well, he does have a point, you are strong remember?" I gave the two a glare before looking at the tree line.

     "I know, but still. I never know when someone will just come out of nowhere and try something."

     "You say that as if I would allow one of my pack to disrespect you sis."

     "You are his sister and my Luna, they will respect you and your position, you may not show it but they know you are strong. Anyone can feel that." I scrunch my eyebrows.

     "You can feel that?"

     The boys look at each other and back, Derik taking the lead. "Yeah, it is weird for sure, you just have a strong aura. I have never felt something like this."

     "Probably has to do with you know what." Theo points towards his head.

     I nod, finding this interesting, "I never knew that, wonder why she still tried to fight."

     "Could be that it wavers." Theo looked concentrated when speaking, "When you get confident it's stronger, but sometimes it's barely noticeable when you lose your confidence. Well, that's kind of the basics."

     "I guess that makes sense." I shrug slightly confused, I guess I will ask Selena about it later. That is probably the best idea honestly, I think it's right but I wanna get the facts as well. I mentally took note of her words. "Well, I wanna go for a run, that ok?" I look back to the forest line.

     "I'll go with you." Theo beamed up.

     "No funny business you two." Derik spoke his consent as he walked off.

     "Will do", I salute as I begin to run off with Theo behind.

     We proceeded to run and play to our hearts content, relieving any anxious thoughts into the ground as the breeze blew through my fur. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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