Chapter 23

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Abigail POV

"I- I think..." a lump caught in my throat as I stare at him.

"You think?" Theo's voice continuously sounded more concerned with each passing second, his eyes showing worry, what was he thinking?

I gulped, "I am ready." I looked down quickly after I said it, heat searing my face.

"Ready for what love?" I looked up at him still red but my mouth agape. Not sure what to say I frowned at him, hoping he understood.

Nothing. I sigh, still no cooler.

"IthinkIamreadytomate." I said it quickly and fast. Though of course it still was not understandable. His eyebrows scrunch in confusion and it was kind of cute. His hands reached each side of my face as he was still low at my sitting position.

"Calm down love, say it slower."

"You are an idiot." His hands dropped to his sides as he glared at me and I met with the same look.

"Ok, fine I am sorry, I just want to know for sure what it is before jumping to conclusions." I look at him surprised, did he understand? Or his he messing with me?

I breathed normally, "I am ready to finish the mate bond with you Theo." I sighed a breath of relief, I got it out, I started to cool down. However Theo was frozen and fear began to creep in. Was that too forward?!

Before I got anything out Theo stood up and I did as well. "Theo if that-"

"Really?" I looked at him as he held the question not only in his voice but his eyes as well.

I nodded, "Really, Theo, I trust and love you." I smiled at him. He swooped me in his arms and kissed me. Parting and not letting go he looked down at me.

"I am so happy." With that led into a second kiss and a blissful night.


I wake up to the shining sun, which wakes me a bit more. I yawn and stretch out feeling... well I feel great, amazing wond-

"Good morning love, how do you feel after last night?" I look up to Theo freshly cleaned, wet hair and in shorts. Turning red after I realized what he meant.

I feel embarrassed.

I quickly grab the blankets and sheets, making a cocoon to hide myself.

"Oh no you don't, not this again!" He climbed on the bed grabbing at my armor trying to unravel it, succeeding at one arm.

"No! I am literally naked!" I struggled to keep my armor in place. My free arm searching for a weapon.

"Soooooo... I have already seen your body. Last night we- mph" I was successful, I found a pillow. He grabbed my weapon and I frowned, yanking my arm back in the armor. "Really love. Fine, I guess you don't want to see our marks."

My head popped out as I looked at him, "Our marks?" He nodded and my memories tried to overflow my brain.

I was out of breath as he looked at me with so much care, "can I mark you?" I bit my lips as I nodded.

Later I returned the action.

I shook my head to wave the memories off. I look at him to see him showing a soft smile.

"Hi there."

"Hi" I sounded so small.

He chuckled as he lifted his hand to hold my cheek. I leaned in, exposing my mark in the process. Placing a kiss on my head he gets up, I look at him frowning. "Get ready and dressed love, also, your mark is beautiful." He then left and I was a blushing mess.

Quickly I got up, well after a minute of untangling, and ran to his closet. I then had an idea and smiled mischievously and searched for a pair of his clothes instead of mine, besides undergarments of course. After finding a pair of black shorts and a gray shirt I ran to the bathroom.

Brushing my hair to the side as I take a breath in and hold it. Looking into the mirror I release the breath with a smile. I trace the mark, a wolf around, as if holding a crescent moon. It was gorgeous. Yes it is, I am proud of you. I smiled at her comment. I took a quick shower, five minutes or less, and got ready. Today my hair will be up, tying it I left to find Theo.

I quickly, but quietly, went downstairs on a hunt for him. Finally I spotted him moving towards the kitchen. Smirking, I got ready to pounce.

'What mischief are you trying to pull my love?'

I squealed, covering my mouth, and he quickly turned around surprised. I was now right behind him not succeeding in my plan. "Did you just link me?!" I whispered and yelled so no one could hear me. He raised an eyebrow at me and it hit me. "Ohhhh." He chuckled.

'Did you try to scare me?'

'Maybeeee, but I am so excited I can link you now!' I looked down smiling, I was genuinely happy.

"Me too." He then lifted my chin and kissed me. With the bond completed the kiss seemed even more magical.

Full of glee I headed to the kitchen dragging Theo by hand not giving him a second to think. I stopped at the entrance and took a whiff of kitchen joy. Then I heard a spoon hit the floor, I looked to see Derik mouth dropped and empty handed. After a moment to regain himself and thoughts he spoke.

"You guys Fuc-?!"


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