Chapter 19

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Theo POV

Abby was slowly getting tired through dinner, and I could tell. She looked so precious and innocent in her tired state. She did well in training today and honestly surprised me, her brother was surprised as well. Eventually Abby looked up and asked to be excused and we let her, we knew she was about to pass out. I watched her until she was out of sight and zoned back in the conversation. All eyes were on me.

"Yes?" I asked cautiously.

"Goodness you really weren't listening." Mom shook her head. "Why haven't you finished the bond? Do you not like her or-" Derik cut her off.

"Mom! That is not a dinner conversation!" He was shocked and I could feel a slight heat on my face. Definitely not a dinner conversation.

"I do like Abby, but I am waiting till she is ready." I spoke honestly and she smiled softly.

"I know you are, but it must be a strain on you." She knew it was, everyone knows waiting can feel tortuous.

"Only a little surprisingly, but it's as if my wolf understands the situation at hand. So yes, it is a strain, but I can hold off until she is ready." I smiled, feeling confident I could wait.

She nodded happily and Charles spoke up next and said something everyone in the room agreed with, "Thanks son, I appreciate you doing this for my daughter immensely, you are a great mate."

After that conversation we all finished and cleaned up. I yawned heading up the stairs to my room. Brushing my teeth, I walked over to my bed and noticed something was wrong, someone was there. I ripped off the blankets to find none other than my mate.

"Abby?!" She woke up in a startle staring straight at me.

Abigail POV

After the startle wore off, I looked at Theo confused. "Theo why are you in my room, and why did you have to wake me up like that I almost had a heart attack!" He looked at me weird as I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"Abby, you're in my room. I thought someone else had gotten in here." He eased as he looked at me. "Sorry for scaring you like that, you had me on my toes. You ok?"

I blinked once, then twice, looked around the room, went wide eyed then back at him. Thank goodness for the dark or he would see my red face. Whoops.

"Yeah, I am um... fine, sorry I didn't mean to come in here." I looked down sheepishly as I sat up. I got out of his bed and started leaving.

"Wait Abby!" My hand was pulled making me come to a stop. I turned to see him resting his arm behind his head, not sure what he was thinking. "Umm... you can stay if you like. You know, to rest. But, umm... it's up to you." I smiled and turned around completely to hug him.

"Thank you." His scent, it was comforting and honestly, I didn't want to leave his embrace. "I think I will." I said it confidently and was too lazy to walk back to my own room. With that we headed to the bed, and even though it was awkward at first, we eventually fell asleep in each other's embrace, and I have never slept better in my life.


I awoke to the sun rays peeking out from under the curtains. I yawn and stretch out my arms hitting a wall to my side. Wait, that doesn't make sense, I look over to see my mate fast asleep and his arm resting over my stomach. I smiled as I remember last night, I fell asleep in his bed by accident the first time. Then he offered me his bed, I scooted closer and laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, the slow rhythm comforting. Looking up to his face his features were soft, he had a sharp jawline as well. I wanted to kiss him, but did not have the courage to, though I did not want to wake him either from this peaceful state of his. I reached up and pushed a few strands of hair to the side, slightly touching his soft skin, it made me bubbly. Then I started retreating my hand, however a coldness swept over my stomach as a hand held mine in place on his cheek. It startled me to say the least and I began blushing, he caught me. Slowly he began opening his eyes and locked eyes as he smiled at me. Pulling my hand to his lips he kissed it, creating a blushing mess of me.

With a gruff morning voice, he sent chills down my spine, "good morning to you as well beautiful." He gave a slight chuckle, "I could get used to waking up like this."

Finally, it hit me, we slept in the same bed, together, all night. I retracted my hand and quickly buried myself in the blankets, stealing his covering as well. He laughed as he tried to unbury me, but I refused to show myself. So, he ended up picking me up completely, blanket and all.

"I can always bring you downstairs like this if you like." He said it knowing sure as hell this is the last thing I want everyone talking about.

Quickly unscrambling myself and getting down I glared at him with a pout, "you know that would be the topic of the day." He chuckled as he stepped up to me, placing his hand on the side of my face.

Him and Sabrina on que both replied, "Would that actually be a bad thing?" His voice sounded unsure as he asked.

Stunned I looked him in the eye, does he think I'm ashamed of him? I looked across his features, trying to find any emotion that led to that thought.

Maybe he does, you have been reluctant in front of others at times. 'In no way was that my intention, I just do not know what to do Sabrina' Then tell him that, I am not losing our mate, and if you want you can also get advice from Selena. 'Okay' I thought sadly.

Losing my panic I smiled and placed a hand on his cheek, gaining courage to speak my mind, "No it wouldn't be a bad thing. I just... I just get nervous and all. I don't really know what I am doing or what I am supposed to do when it comes to being a mate."

Smiling he replied as he took a step in the space that was left between us making me look up. "That is fine, we can learn together." I realized then, that no one knows how to be a mate. I felt my head being pulled up as he was coming down and our lips connecting. Once again sending a spark down my spine and body. He pulled away reluctant to go any further and with what seemed to be a bit of stress. I have noticed this sometimes but now it seems to be getting worse.

With worry I asked quickly, "are you ok?! Is something wrong?"

He looked at me with a smile hiding something, "I am fine Abby, let's get ready for training and breakfast?" I nodded slowly, he leaned down and moved my hair as he kissed my forehead. "I'm fine, I promise. We have a long day so let's get to it?" I nodded and headed towards my room but leaving him hurt for some reason more than normal. I looked to his door before entering my room, all I wanted was him and nothing else. The feeling was getting bad, and it is taking everything to be sane. Every day getting worse, I sigh as I enter my room.

"Time to get ready for the day."

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