Chapter 16

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Theo POV

"Well, I'm hungry." Abby drifted off to the kitchen to no doubt raid the cabinets. Now that I think of it, I am pretty sure she hasn't eaten all day. But, back to the topic at hand.

"Why is it just now she knows?" Derik asked the same question I had. It made no sense for her to just find out. Especially with the way she is seeming to take it so well.

"I don't know for sure. That pack probably didn't mention it to her or else they could have possibly lost control of the power they had over her." Everyone looked at me as I said it. "That's just my guess," I said with shrugged shoulders. Honestly though, I feared this would happen. That they didn't tell her, and she would thrash out when she found out or try to avoid it from fear.

"She seems content with it however." Her mom sat there pondering, "But what I can't seem to understand is why she isn't overwhelmed. I mean I would be, that's for sure."

"Maybe she is freaking out, or it just hasn't really settled." I would have never guessed for her to be so accepting over something like this. She is going to reign over all werewolf kind. I looked at Derik, "she understands the responsibility laid on her right? She is going to be queen. She is going to be ruling our kind."

He looked at me weird, "You understand as well, right?" I gave him a questioned look. "You are her mate." I nod in confirmation, yeah, I know. He raised his eyebrow. Then it hit me.

"Oh shit, I'm her mate."

"You're right, so maybe you should go make sure she isn't freaking out. Plus, you skipped breakfast and I can hear your stomach from over here. We will figure out this whole drama later," Her mother turned and smirked at me as she waved me off with her hand. I sheepishly looked down as I heard my stomach. I got up and began leaving to the kitchen where I found Abby hesitating over the fridge and fear wavering in the room.

Abigail POV

I was starving but honestly some of it is from the fact that I want to scream from the amount of feelings I am experiencing, so instead, I'm going to stress eat. Having a mate is causing me to go crazy I swear, but I want to talk to him. I want to be closer, and this stupid timing of the mate bond isn't helping. I wonder if he trains shirtless? I shake my head, I really hope he doesn't help me train shirtless, I don't think I could handle it. What am I doing in the kitchen again? Oh right, food! I rub my face from the many thoughts and stress as I look around the kitchen from the doorway. Memories flooded my head from drawing with my family to running around the table from Derik while Theo tried to catch Derik and our families trying to stop us. I smiled in happiness, even though I didn't remember till I got through the suffering, I am so happy to be back. That pack was horrible, they treated me like a slave. Hurt me, bullied me, made me suffer. I walked up to the fridge door and began to reach out before I hesitate.

"What do you think you are doing!" Mother was furious, but my stomach growled once more.

"I was hungry and couldn't sleep." *Bam* My head flew to the side.

"You ungrateful brat! We gave you food earlier, you are such a cow!" She was angry, I could feel it, Sabrina could feel it and all I could do was whimper. "Go to your room! And if I ever catch you trying to sneakily get food again, I will cut off your hand!"

I scurried to my makeshift room that had my bed which was basically a blanket thrown on the floor. I curled up under the blanket instead of laying on it. After cuddling in it I went to the window and looked out into the night sky. I heard my stomach growl again and cursed it as tears began to run down my bruised cheek. "A slice of bread is enough for dinner; you have to stop being so ungrateful stupid stomach."

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