Chapter 14

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Theo POV

I held her in my arms as she snuggled me, something was wrong and I have an idea but still. On top of that she wasn't giving anyone a clear answer and she seemed out of it. I finally call her name out fully and she looks up at me. Her eyes looked on the verge of tears but they were also expanding and going back to the normal of her pupil.

The mate bond, that was what is wrong and I don't think she has any idea at the moment. That is why she is confused and clinging.

Then Derik asked her to eat and her response was not what I was expecting.

"Is Theo on the menu?" The heat instantly rose to my cheeks as she jumped up and covered her mouth. Everyone reacted differently but then she realized something and when she looked at me she ran.

She ran from me and it hurt, does she not want me? Did she realize it was the mate bond? Is she rejecting me? I couldn't think but then her mom spoke up as she kneeled in front of me. She knew exactly what was happening.

"Don't worry Theo, she is confused and scared. She is not rejecting you. I don't believe she knows how to react, but I know it's that time, and honestly I have been worried for you since you met her a month ago and could do nothing. Though thankfully it looks as if you two have patient wolves most people could not last this long." The sincerity in her mothers voice made me smile. Though her dad and brother looked away with a frustrated look, yep definitely their protective side but they knew there was nothing they could do.

"Thank you Luna" I then got smacked on the head and she got up and frowned.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that, but now instead of my name call me mom." She smiled, "now go get my baby and your mate."

With that I got up and chased after her.

Abigail POV

I just ran, I ran from my mate, I am such a coward and horrible person but I'm so confused. The tears were running now and wouldn't stop. What are you doing, go back. 'I- I can't, I don't know what to do. I don't think I am ready, what if he doesn't want me-'. I promise he does, you need to at least talk to him, it has been over a month since you two have met Abigail. I kept crying and ran to the river I spotted this morning. She was right, most of the times that mates meet they finish the mating process right then and there because if you wait their intensity of needing each other gets worse as time goes by. I do not know anyone who has waited a month, but I am scared, what if I am not good enough for him. I don't even look that good or pretty. I sat by the river and looked at my reflection as I cried. Cupping water I tried to wash my tears away but they continued. I probably hurt him so badly, his mate just ran from him. What if he thinks I rejected him! He probably hates me so much. The tears only got worse and I gave up on washing them away. I continued to stare at the water's reflection, getting more and more disgusted with myself. I saw someone show up behind me, but it was Theo and my nerves once again got the best of me as I got up and tried to run only for him to grab my wrist and pull me into him.

The shock subsided my tears as he placed my head on his chest, and his face in my neck as he breathed for a little bit. He just held me as if to say everything is okay, that I will be fine, and that I don't need to worry. The world seemed to just stop at this moment and I began to cry a little as I held on to him. He deserved so much better than a mate who runs away in fear.

"Abby, everything will be ok, I know you are scared, and I will wait as long as you need me too." I continued to cry and hold on.

You need to tell him how you feel. 'I can't.' Yes you can, now do it. I sighed, "Theo that's not it." I paused as I came up from him and looked down. "I don't think I am ready nor good enough for you." I gave a chuckle, "I mean look at me i'm not even that good looking-" Before I could finish he grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. His eyes looked sad and I felt horrible for it. But as he began to speak they took a stern and angry look.

"Don't you ever say that again. You understand?" I clenched my jaw and nodded as his eyes softened up. "You are good enough, you are gorgeous, and you are mine. No one will ever compare to you." He smiled at me and had a look of admiration written all over his face as he wiped my tears.

"But I have made you suffer all this time, I know what the mate bond does to people I have watched it." I wanted to look away, but his grip was firm. He was not giving me the option to run in any way again.

"Abby, you can't blame yourself, you were ill, there was nothing you could do. But as I said before, I am willing to wait for you as long as needed. No matter how difficult it is." He was sincere in his words and I smiled.

"You have no idea how much that means to me." He then released my face as I frowned and confused him. "Though I can't stand the option of being away from you, every time you aren't there it's like something is tearing me apart. I don't like it." I probably looked as if I was pouting at that point but then he said something I was not expecting.

"Same here my little mate."

Then he placed both hands on the sides of my face and pulled me in for a kiss.

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