Chapter 5

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   I shifted uncomfortably trying to get out of this bone crushing hug by these two big guys. "I may be stronger than most girls, but this is still too hard of a hug!" I squealed out, they released me saying sorry. After catching my breath I looked up confused. "What is going on exactly because I wasn't expecting that."

They guys just looked at each other and seemed to be saddened like something hit them. My mate was the first to speak up. "You really don't remember us, do you?" I shook my head again and could hear a slight whimper of sadness only to realize it was coming from me.

Why did my wolf just whimper, 'Sabrina you ok?' It just feels wrong to say we didn't know them, I feel a connection to both, especially your look alike. I felt the connection as well, like a feeling of being here before, as I tried to think I began to have a massive headache. 'Great I left my head medicine back home for these stupid headaches.' I thought we were done with these. I could tell she was in pain too, grabbing my head I looked up to two saddened and worried expressions. "Can I get the doctor to ask if they have a certain medicine for my head, when I ran from my pack I didn't grab mine." They nodded and Derick left the room, leaving me with Theo, and it felt awkward. It's not that I'm not happy about finding my mate, I'm thrilled, I just didn't know what to do. On top of that I don't know if I can absolutely trust these two. What if I really did know them, but my pack will still come after me, I'm putting this pack in danger. Then he sat next to me once again and looked at me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"So why do you have to take medicine?" He asked with a tint of worry in his voice.

"Well, ever since I can remember I've always gotten these massive pains in my head, and there's only one type of medicine to help with it, but as I got older they didn't happen as often. This is the first one in about two months I think." He nodded and we sat in silence, once again it was awkward. I sighed, "So what's your guys pack's name?" I say trying to make conversation.

He seemed to have lit up at the question, "Well the pack we are in at the moment is Lunar Knights and-" I cut him off.

"We are in one of the strongest packs at the moment!" I squealed with slight happiness, slight fear, at least now I know they would be able to handle themselves, I still felt like I should leave though.

He laughed, "Yep, and the Alpha is Derick." My eyes widened, I was in the presence of the Alpha and didn't even direct him correctly. Theo seems to have caught on, "You have noticed how you guys look alike, right?" I nodded. "You are twins, him being the older by two minutes." My mouth dropped to the floor, is this guy for real?

I have a brother, on top of that a twin, plus he is an Alpha?! I guess that would explain why he was so concerned but still, and these two seemed close so I guess he was the Beta. "Are you the beta then?"

He laughed even harder, "Nope I'm the alpha of the strongest pack second to Lunar Knights, Moon Crescent." My eyes widened, how would I forget something like this, how could anyone forget something like this. I mean come on, being kidnapped, you shouldn't forget that, I tried to think. My head began to pound even more and I could hear this small voice calling out saying Abby, kids voices. I groaned and I could feel Sabrina curl up as I grab my head.

"You ok?" I heard Theo but his voice sounded different as I continued to hear the small playful voices calling out my name. I shook it off and tried to focus, I opened my eyes and looked at Theo who looked worried and was in front of me with his hands on my shoulders, I could see his mouth moving and could slowly hear his voice. "- hear me? Abby, say something, are you ok-" I threw my hand up cutting him off all this commotion was making my head hurt worse.

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