Chapter 8

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Abigail POV

It has been weeks and I can not wait for it to be over. The doctor said that the last few days will be worse and I thought he was wrong. Boy was he right, I would say it but at the moment I am curled in a ball holding my head as tears stream from my eyes, Theo's voice is distant but comforting. The whole time he has been here with me, not making any more attempts to leave his Beta with me, the only other person who stays with me is my brother. I can tell this hurts them as well, but they try to smile and put me up to date with their life. I would meet up with my parents after I regained my memories so it would be a happier moment. Though at the moment I feel like I am dying, I have never felt anything like this before. I wish I could sleep through this pain but I can not fall asleep. It just hurts too much and now here comes another wave.

Theo POV

These past few weeks have been horrible but today the next however many is going to be the worst and I know she hates it. I know I do, hearing her cry is the worst but all I can do is rub her back and whisper sweet nothings. "It will all be over soon, I promise just hang on a little bit more." I told her, and I heard her whimper in reply.

She screams again and I know what is happening, the doctor called an expert that knew more about the poison, as she remembers everything it will cause pain, the poison was created to be able to control people, and it worked but ended up banned and thought to be destroyed, thought to be. As time goes by, the more she remembers at a time and the last few days it's like a dump of memories and knives in the head. He said most people can not withstand it and either give in to the poison or kill themselves. Only the people with strong wills make it and I know she does. I know she can do this, I have to keep my hope up, I wasn't losing my best friend again. With what she has told me from her past, the beatings, the neglect, yet she still pursued. She is still pursuing it. I do what I can though I feel so useless, I grumble again and hear the door open. I look up to see my Beta with a sad expression as she looks at her Luna suffering and screaming. She hands me a tray of food.

"Try to eat what you can, and please try to get food in her system." Hallie says with pain laced in her voice. I nod as she bows and leaves. Then that is what I do, eat what I can and attempt to feed her.

After a few hours she goes quiet and it scares me, removing the covers from her face. I see the pain in her features, but she is asleep. I guess it's better than being awake, at least I hope so. I watch as her expression continues to change and I notice some tears start to fall. I dry her tears as they come and pray to Selena she will be ok.

Abigail POV

I fell asleep as memories flew through my head and they still are, though the pain eased some. The memories are of when I was a baby? Possibly, I see memories of my original pack, my parents, my brother. Derik and I were close and I wanted to cry because I started to miss him just by seeing and feeling the bond we had. The cutest memory so far was Derick and I fighting in the crib and our parents had to calm us down. Then we ended up curling up together and fisted our baby hands and fell asleep. Then I see memories of my parents' friends and meeting Theo for the first time, we were all a little awkward for about an hour then we were besties. So many things and I wept, I rubbed my face to wipe the tears. It was then I realized the memories had stopped and I was back under the willow tree with Sabrina and became confused. I stood up frantic, "why did they stop, that was not all of them!" I look back to see Sabrina shrugging. I grabbed my head from the head rush and the pain, I sat back down.

Calm down, it will be fine, I promise. I pause, before sighing with tears still. I look up to Sabrina who seemed to be resting, she sounds so sincere, "I trust you." With that I sat back and closed my eyes. I feel my head start to pound and know what is coming and I let it happen.

Another dose of memories come my way and I am no longer in my happy place. I watch as my memories go and stay. Sad at some of the memories that seem to be unforgettable but at least I am gaining them back. All the times we celebrated things, parties, holidays, times when a new wolf shifts for the first time. I know I am probably crying in the real world, I can feel my eyes leaking.

A memory that catches me off guard is my first shift, it was painful and I remember it. That was not what got me, but the fact my parents seemed worried. I shifted in the woods with Derick and Theo but something was not right so Derik linked our parents and came for me. Everyone knew what was happening but I was not fully shifted and I didn't until I was out of public view. My coat was pure white, Derik and Theo awed but the doctor and my parents were shocked. We did not celebrate my first shift, instead they hid what I looked like. I was not allowed to shift in front of anyone who did not already know, so I barely got to run in wolf form. Though when I did I seemed to always be with my brother and best friend. I remembered everything, the happy, the sad, the bittersweet, and even the cringy. Then finally the last thing to remember, the day I was taken.

Derik and I had recently turned six, it was a day Theo came to play and us three were in the woods on pack ground. We were playing all sorts of games, swimming, and RUNNING. Sabrina was excited since she has not been out for a while, so we were especially rough this day. We did not want to stop until we were exhausted and no one was stopping us. Well at least that is what we thought. We were all so caught up none of us knew there was anyone around or watching us, we were pups full of energy.

I went and tackled the black wolf that was Theo, his coat was gorgeous and I loved it. We started wrestling each other before I heard my brother with his dark brown coat laughing at us, I turned around jumping and tackling him down before running off. I ran and enjoyed the wind that ran through my fur.

That was until I heard a branch snap in front of me catching me off guard, I thought the boys were behind me, so I stopped and looked around until I spotted three huge wolves coming towards me from in front. They stunk and reeked, rouge, my parents had told me about them, their smell was different due no pack, being kicked, or some other awful reason. Evil had gotten worse in our wolf society, our kind, so rouges were becoming more common. They could never find out who I was, and run if I ever saw one.

I started to walk backwards until I heard Theo and Derik, I should have warned them but I forgot from fear. I knew this was bad, just as we were about to run they lunged. The wolves then tackled us, we tried to fight but we were pups with no fight training or strength. We bit, we scratched, we tried everything we could manage our tiny bodies to do. We were forced to shift back from losing the strength that we did have. I hear them screaming for me as I was screaming for them. I was scared and wanted my parents, I linked them as my brother and friend screamed for me and at the other wolves. Daddy! Mommy! Big bad wolves have us and we can't get fr- Then nothing after a pain shot through the back of my head. It was dark and soundless, then a sharp pain. The next thing I remember is waking up to strangers. Strangers that were the ones to kidnap me and my future torturers. 

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