Chapter 12

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Abigail POV

"About me! Look I could not even stand up for myself, how am I supposed to save all werewolves!? I am weak, I am in no way capable of anything!" I screamed without thinking before calming down. "Sorry, it just doesn't make sense, and what is even wrong now that we need saving?"

She looked at me sadly and ringed her hands, "well corruption..." She sighed looking at my confused face. "When I had created werewolves, it was peaceful" she looked up in a smile and daze. "Everyone was kind, got along, and never fought. Everyone knew their place and position in the pack so there was no need for violence or upsetting any balance.." her eyes then started to take a dark turn. "Then a wolf turned against his own pack in wanting power, trying to take the lead position of a pack. He was banished and became what you know as a rogue," she turned sad and looked down causing her hair to cascade over her eyes, "others began to take suit, packs wanted to be best, and peace became war. Violent actions in some of their own packs took place, Alphas began not caring for their pack like they should." I looked over to see Sabrina looking away and her ears down, so she knew as well. "That was when I first started to see the vision and everything happened after. Apparently in my creations some contained the words of the prophecy and told some of their packs and word spread, however these prophets then began to diminish as packs would slay them in fear of what they said and now we are here. With corruption taking its peak." She threw her hands out at the last bit of words and laid her head against the tree. She then leaned her head towards me. "Thankfully some packs like your mate and brother's do their best to keep peace within a pack, but even they know that now it means fighting. Though I never wanted there to be a hierarchy, it is the only way to keep peace and control, and you do not know it yet, but you have the ability to have an alpha power over all werewolves." She smiled.

I cocked my head to the side, I knew alphas had the power to use their tone to control the pack, but I had never heard of someone being able to control more than that. "But an Alpha can only control those in the pack bond."

"Yes, that is normal, but you my dear are not. You know how you can control the earth element?" I nodded, I had even used it during my escape. "Well, you can do more than that, and you will have to. You know some of the spirit element, which is how you can heal, but you can also control the other three elements, water, air, and fire. Then after you find your true self you will be able to use your alpha tone over all werewolf kind. That is why the prophecy mentions the one all will bow to."

I stared at her in shock, "HUH?!" I freaked out grabbing the sides of my head, this was all too much to take in. I didn't understand what was happening, there was no way this was happening right. Not only am I actually meeting her, I am part of this huge prophecy ordeal, my wolf is special, I even have more powers! I am not even able to fight back against rogues, how in the world will I be able to do this. Then I felt a pressure on my lap and I looked down to see Sabrina having placed her head there looking up at me with a sympathetic smile. I smiled back before feeling a hand on my shoulder and looking up at the emerald green eyes before me.

"I know it is a lot to take in, and I am so sorry. But I need you, your kind needs you, please tell me you are willing to at least try." Her eyes held a sadness I could not quite understand yet. I looked from her to Sabrina with the same eyes then back up.

"I will try, I guess, but I can't do this alone. I mean how am I even supposed to learn these powers! Are you even sure I can do this!" I probably looked frantic and that was when Sabrina got up and looked at me.

You are not alone, you have us, your mate, and your family. Plus you will learn here as well!! You have never been alone, I know you never knew, and I am sorry but I needed Selena to explain it better. I will say it will not be easy, but if anyone can do it, it is you. Please forgive me for never telling you. I smiled at my precious wolf and hugged her, before the goddess hugged us both. It felt amazing, it made me feel like I could do this. After we released I smiled a nervous smile and fist bumped the air. "Lets save my race!"

That's what the hell I'm talking about!

"Sabrina!" The Goddess all but yelled and I laughed before yawning. The Goddess sighed then smiled. "Looks like it is time to go, until I see you again Abigail, remember you are worthy. I know it is a lot but you can do this and I will be with you every step of the way now, just stay away from that poison." She frowned and I giggled while nodding, laying against the tree watching the willow branches sway, Sabrina settled in my lap, and listening to nature's song.

And with that the world went black once more but this time I knew that everything would get harder. Though at the same time it would get better, it would have to.

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