Chapter 24

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Charles (The Father) POV

This morning I wake up to my gorgeous mate already out of bed. Getting up I look at the time and yawn, it is around nine. I stretch out my limbs and head down stairs. The aroma of food hits me and I realize pancakes are being made, one of Abigail's favorites as a kid. I smile again realizing I do not have to think of when she was here, but know she is here. Entering the kitchen I place a kiss on Juliana's head, grab my cup of coffee, she already had made, and sit at the counter.

"Good morning dear." Taking a sip of coffee I look up to my love.

"Good morning honey, how long have you been up?"

"Eh, maybe an hour." She shrugged and began to mix more ingredients.

"None of the kids up?" I look around at the empty kitchen.

"No, I figured Abby would have been the first one down, but she still hasn't woken up."

"Well she isn't in her room, her door is open and I didn't see anyone, thought she beat me here." Derik was wide awake and looked frazzled as if he was running.

I raised my eyebrow, "She slept in Theo's room?" Derik looked at me with a duh face and sat near his mom ready for food.

"It is not the first time love, she has been in and out since the first time she accidentally fell asleep in his room." Juliana knew and I didn't?!

"Oh yeah, scared Theo shit less." Derik laughed before finishing. "He thought someone was in his room and it turned out it was just her. Apparently Abs thought she was in her room, in the end she ended up sleeping there." I hummed as I continued to drink my coffee, still not completely up. The kitchen then came to a calm silence besides the cooking noise.

Finally we heard some commotion from upstairs and then down to the hall leading to the kitchen after a while. They were finally up and would bring in life to the kitchen. Abigail was good at that, when she was gone life just seemed to die off.

The two love birds finally appeared and something was different. Derik seemed to notice something as he was stunned and finally regained himself.

"You guys fuc-" *smack* Juliana had caught on before he could finish and threw a pancake in his face causing me to stop drinking for a second to snicker.

"Watch your language!" Juliana fumed.

"Mom! The poor pancake! Don't waste food." Abby was now cradling the soiled food from the ground.

"Theo did you really f-" Derik looked at Juliana who held up another pancake threatening him. Which in return caused Abby to glare her mother down.

"Do not finish that statement."

"But mom." She raised her eyebrow and he stopped but deathly glared at Theo. "You are mine during training today."

Theo smirked, causing Derik to snatch the soiled pancake from Abby. He chunked it at Theo who took this chance to run and escape.

Abby smacked Derik upside the head causing an argument between those two as the plate with pancakes piled up.

Yep, lively as ever.

Once the plate had finally reached a good amount of pancakes Abby reached over and snatched them on her run out the door. However this didn't faze her mom, but I watched her retreating figure sadly.

"It is alright." A plate was sitting in front of me with syrup. "I was hiding another plate in case she did that, there should be enough for both her and Theo." I smiled up at her, I took her hand and placed a kiss on it.

"You guys are ok with this?!" Derik seemed to be anxious over something.

"Child she is 18 and Theo 19, they are adults now it is fine. This was going to happen sooner than later, they have had the bond awakened for over a month now and Abby seems happy."

Derik sat down huffing and angrily ate his pancakes. Confused, I continued to eat, and when Derik was done he left saying he was going to his office for a little bit.

I hummed, now completely awake before I stopped and put my fork down. Looking up at Juliana, I cocked my head slightly confused. "Wait, did they finish the mate bond?"

She smacked her forehead and sighed, "finish your damn pancakes."

Abigail POV

I smiled as I took another bite of the pancakes and hummed in happiness. Theo snatched a few pancakes but I didn't mind him, I grabbed it for the both of us. Theo layed back on the couch and sighed, patting his stomach.

"Was it good?" I asked as I continued to eat, but I watched him smirk and get a bad feeling. I was finished eating but a singular pancake was left. He sits back up and turns so he is in my face as he links me.

'Yes, but not as good as you.' I then took after my mother and smashed a pancake in his face before heading off to get ready for training.

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