Chapter 4

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Mate, I could tell Sabrina was happy and was probably dancing around by the way she kept chanting, "Mate! We found our mate!" on and on, though I was mentally freaking out. While I was still thinking about all this I finally snapped out of it when Derick stood up and yelled at the guy who entered.

"Really dude!? That hurt! Next time give a guy a warning!?" He death glared at my apparently mate while rubbing the back of his head while the guy just rolled his eyes at him. Then, Derick turned his head towards me sharply while sighing, "This is Theo, he's the spawn of Satan himself, I think his mom had a secret affair." He casually pointed towards the guy who ended up slapping him in the back of the head and the guys, or should I say boys, starting fighting.

"So my mate's name is Theo." I spoke and once they stopped in the middle of fighting I could tell I accidently spoke out loud and I could feel heat creep upon my neck and resting on my cheeks. I shifted uncomfortably while Sabrina sighed in the abyss of joy at the sound of his name, I mentally rolled my eyes.

Then Theo stood up and looked flushed as well, "I guess you could tell." He said awkwardly with a deep comforting voice that seemed to relax me. After a second, I registered what he said and gave him the "nah shit Sherlock" look. As my wolf internally face palmed I hope to Selena that he isn't actually an idiot. 'Same here Sabrina, wait what am I thinking I don't even know him yet, how do I know for sure he won't give us back, what if these two are faking their kindness to try to get information from us!' I mentally screamed to no one in particular but of course Sabrina heard. He's our mate, he wouldn't do such a thing... hopefully. 'Thanks for the pep talk Sabrina' I rolled my eyes and tuned back into reality to Theo standing in front of me with a worried look and asking me questions.

"Are you ok? Why did you roll your eyes? Do you need anything? Can you hear me?" There was worry in his voice, I guessed they were trying to get my attention for some time, so I answered the questions I tuned in on with a sigh and held up my hand.

"As fine as I can be at the moment, Sabrina is never helpful and needs to work on when she should shut her mouth, I don't need anything, and yes I can hear you plus you're a little to close." I counted each answer with a finger and looked up. "Did I miss anything?"

He seemed at relief before shaking his head, "That's about it, but who is Sabrina?" He tilted his head in question. A few seconds passed by before I busted out laughing by Sabrina's response, Your worst nightmare hehe I'm gonna have you whipped before you even know it, and I could feel her smirk.

I stopped and caught my breath when I watched as both Derick and Theo gave me a worried confused look, probably thinking I was delusional. I took one more deep breath regaining myself, "Sabrina is my wolf, I gave her a name because she was my only friend in my pack." I then froze realizing I just told them something very personal and well, sad. I brought my knees up to my chest and frowned.

"Is that the reason you kept screaming and said you didn't want to go back?" Derick spoke up and came to stand where Theo was, but now Theo was sitting next to me on the bed. I looked at Derick then Theo sighing and twisting a piece of hair in my head, before tuning back out of reality thinking.

'Should I tell them?' They seem trustworthy to me, just don't tell them every single detail, like your connection with nature, if we have to we will have to use it to escape, even though I don't want to run from our mate. 'Neither do I Sabrina.' I continued twirling my hair, tuning back into reality, "Not really, but it helped with running away, cause I already had to leave my mom behind, I still loved her even though she treated me like everyone else." I could visibly see Derick tense when I said mom, "You ok?" He just nodded and I continued after a moment. "I was as close to the definition of slave as you could get in my pack." I was saddened a little before looking up to continue on, but didn't. I could feel tension growing in the room and was scared to continue. After a minute of silence I could tell they wanted me to continue. "I did everything I was told, even though sometimes I was still punished. Even when I healed as I was told, if it wasn't up to what they wanted, I would be beat, and Master Alpha Fredrick's beating was the worst, especially the one's where I ended up in a coma for a week." It was all a whisper, I hated thinking of all those moments and not being there and rethinking of them showed me that I should've listened to Sabrina soon, they really didn't care. I stopped talking and thinking as I heard glass shattering and froze. I looked to my side to see Theo wasn't there, he had got up and took the glass off the table and shattered it against the floor. My wolf was urging me to go to him and comfort him, but I was terrified. Instead I called out to him in a shaky tone, "A-Theo, are you ok?"

"Just peachy." He sarcastically replied, but you could hear the tension of anger in his voice as he clenched and unclenched his hands. I looked over to Derick to see he was tense as well as he looked at the floor. Anyone around could feel the anger radiating from them.

I then stared at my twined hands in my lap trying to figure out what to do while mentally fighting with Sabrina to walk over and comfort Theo, there was no way in the world I would walk over to a husky, muscular, and gorgeous man that was angry. I blushed at that thought, but shook it off as Sabrina laughed at me. Her laughter died off as she spoke seriously, which in her case is rare, but she has done it more recently than ever, We really should go over to him, I can feel his wolf radiating anger right now. I thought for a moment before sighed and stood up shakingly, just cause she talked me into it doesn't mean I still wasn't terrified. I carefully walked over to him making sure not to step on shattered glass as well as giving me as much time as possible from the angry beast. I walked up behind him and awkwardly wrapped my arms around him and set my head on his back. "It's ok, everything will be ok." I felt as he rested his hands on mine before sighing and turning around, feeling a bit relieved because I had no idea what I was doing. He engulfed me in his arms as he bent down and rested his head in the crook of my neck and took a huge whiff of my scent, a sliver of chills went down my spine as he did that. I smiled as I felt his wolf calm down and I could feel Sabrina cheer in joy of making our Mate calm again, though I also smiled cause for some reason, this comforted me as well.

I then felt him shift around as he brought me to his face, probably because I was shorter than him, as he placed his forehead on mine, "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry you had to go through that, if only I was there." He kept repeating that and without thinking I placed a hand on his cheek and his beautiful green eyes looked at mine as I smiled.

"You had no control of what happened to me, we didn't even know each other then." Though my heart cringed cause saying that felt wrong, as if I've known him all along, as well as Derick. I wasn't the only one to feel the statement was false apparently, because not even a second later Theo had brought me out to arms length with a hurt face.

"Abby what are you talking about, we grew up together until you were kidnapped." He seemed serious but I tilted my head confused. I don't ever remember seeing him before all of this happened and I sure don't remember being taken, my pack never allowed that.

"You're trying to joke right, I've never met you before and I've never been taken, that's the one thing my pack did right, they never let me be taken by another." I tried to put some sense into his head, that's when Derick stood beside him with a saddened face as well.

"Abby, do you really not remember anything, growing up here, dad, mom, me, anything?" I shook my head at him thinking he was crazy before he continued. "Well I remember you well, including the day that us three were in the woods when we were six, we were all just playing around until someone took you... and Theo and I couldn't get to you" his words faded towards the end as he watched my expression, but I could tell he was being serious.

"I'm sorry," I spoke up, "I might be a different Abigail from yours." They looked me straight in the face seeming to think before Theo seemed to have a light bulb and looked to Derick, with wide eyes.

"Is anyone in the listening range." Derick's eyes seemed concentrated, after a few moments he shook his head at Theo who then looked to me, "Abigail had a unique fur coat on her wolf, no one else's is like hers because she is a special person that Selena sent," he paused before looking to Derick who seemed to light up as he seemed to realize his plan, "Is your fur perhaps a pure white coat?" He asked with a tint of hope but I froze, my mind was on one question and one question only cause I haven't shifted in front of them yet or on this territory.

"How did you know that?" I seemed to have answered their question as joy filled their expression and they tackled me in a hug. 'Just what exactly is going on?' I would like to know as well.

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