Chapter 22

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Theo POV

I place Abby in the car and quickly go around to drive off before my angry little mate gets back out. Driving out and back to the pack grounds I look over to a fuming Abigail, eyes going back and forth from, black to blue, obviously fighting her wolf. Sighing I reach over grabbing a hold of one of her hands and unfolding her arms as I hold on. I could feel her looking at me and I looked over to see the blue eyes I have fallen in love with, with a question in them.

"You know no one can replace you right?" I ask as my eyes go back to the road. The tension I felt from her faded and she grasped my hand tighter.

"She showed you, her boobs." She said in a tone obviously voiced by her wolf as well, Sabrina if I remember.

"Sabrina, you know how mates work, calm down love." I chuckled but Abigail seemed to freeze. I look over to see her shocked, confused, not sure look. "Are you ok?!" I was about to pull over until she spoke.

"Yeah, I um... I am fine. Did you just speak to Sabrina?" I laugh, yeah talking to her wolf seems a little strange but I could tell she has calmed down immensely.

"You are weird." I took a glance and saw her looking out the window, but she was bright red. I love her so much.

Abigail POV

I looked out the window taking notice of the beauty of the greenery outside. Well trying to anyways. I could feel the heat my face was releasing from maybe embarrassment; I am not sure. He spoke to my wolf directly and it was weird. I have never seen or heard of a mate doing that before. Sabrina went into shock as well and hasn't spoken since. We are both confused on how to act. Though deep down it was comforting, he notices all sides of me. I smile as I watch the pack grounds come into view. Too bad we had to leave early. It could have been a nice dinner. Yeah, if the blonde bimbo was not there. 'True, she ruined a potential great dinner'. I sighed; those ribs sounded amazing.

"You, ok?" I look over to Theo who was currently looking at me with concern, I nod. "Alright, you just have a frown on your face like something is wrong." He put the car in park, and I looked up to see we were already at the house. My stomach then took the initiative to speak for me loud and clear. I grimace. "I see you must be hungry."


I sit with my head on the counter, mouthwatering, as I watch Theo make ribs. I was beyond excited to stuff the food in my mouth, but I also loved watching Theo as he worked. His focus and concentration, his eyebrow quirk in moments of thinking. He had his sleeves rolled up and unbuttoned the top few to relieve him of some heat. His muscles were indeed great and nice.

"Are you just going to continue watching me with an intense stare?" I perk up quickly as he turned around giving me a questioning look, one eyebrow raised.

The heat found its way to my face, and I stuttered. "Wha- what do you mean. I- I was not watching you like that." My voice lowered towards the end, there was no denying. He probably knew this whole time.

He chuckled, "Riiight, well I will be done soon love, maybe ten more minutes." I nod and he turned back around.

This time I rested my head on my arm that was now propped up on the counter. I really do love him. He is amazing, I smile looking down at the counter. I got so lucky to have someone like him. Yes, we are, and he loves you. You can trust him. I look up through my eyelashes at him. Yeah, I think I can and do trust him. I look back down again and ponder. 'If I was being honest, especially after what happened tonight, I think I am ready to mate with him.' Really?! Heat rose to my cheeks as I tried to keep my breath normal.

'Shh, will you?'

He cannot hear me.

'Oh... right.' I took a quick glance up at him before continuing. 'Yeah, I think so.' I smiled.

You know you have to say something right.

'I- I will when it's the right time.' I hunched a little feeling embarrassed.

He won't hurt you, never intentionally. I can tell he is a good guy; you know this right?

'Yes, I know that. It is just, I don't know.'

Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to.

'I am not, I promise.'

The conversation with Sabrina ended and I looked up to see Theo making up plates. I took in a big whiff of glory and my mind traveled to food, thankfully helping me to recover myself.

After placing the food down Theo took the seat next to me and we ate. The food practically melted in my mouth with joy, and I hummed in satisfaction.

"Is it good?" I look up to see Theo smiling, as if holding in immense joy. I nodded, not ready to speak in case anything I don't want rolls off my tongue. "Good, that makes me happy." He then dived into his plate, and I smiled as I continued.

After my last bite I sat up patting my belly. "That was amazing!" I grabbed my plate starting to get up, but he beat me to it and grabbed the plate from me.

"Thanks love." He headed towards the sink and butterflies reached my stomach as I watched him start to rinse the dishes.

"Hey, Theo?" He hummed as a response, and I bit my lip before taking a deep breath. "I- I love you." He paused slightly before finishing rinsing and turning to me smiling.

"You do?" I nodded my head before he walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "I am so happy to hear you say that." He lifted up my head to look him in the eyes, "I love you too."

I could have sworn my heart skipped a breath as I bit my lip again looking downwards.

"What's wrong Abs?" Concern was laced in his voice as he lowered himself to reach my eyes. His green eyes pierced my blue one. I shook my head and his eyes furrowed, "It is obviously something." He tried to search my eyes for the answer, but I tried to look anywhere but at him. "Abby..."

You can do it.

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath. Looking up I met his gaze.

"I- I think..."

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