Chapter 28

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Abigail POV

     Walking to the middle of the grounds ready to fight. I decided to pull my hair up as I walked, listening to the whispers. That didn't bother me, I was used to people thinking I am weak, but I smiled. This time I would prove them wrong, this time they will be the ones who will bow their heads, not me. I will show them what a true Luna looks like. That's the spirit. I smirk as I got to the inner field. The woman was talking to some people laughing, saying she was going to be Theo's new interest. They giggled with her and I frowned. 'Don't kill her, don't kill her, don't kill her...' Can we really not? 'No Sabrina we can not.' She huffed, this was going to be a battle of self control, not who was stronger. I looked around and saw a few hopeful eyes which confused me, I kept scanning until I met eyes with Derik and Theo.

      Derik linked me, 'There are many rooting for you.'


      'Because some of them have strength, but she makes them feel useless and weak.'

     'Why haven't you done anything?' That thought infuriated me, he should have done something about it.

     'I tried, but no one has been able to bring down her ego. Everytime I or another Alpha talks to her it goes up.' He sighed.

     'I am your sister and a Luna though...'

     'But she does not know that.'

     I thought about it for a second before agreeing, we kept it on the low. They said it would be best, I looked at Theo who smiled at me. He gave me a nod, giving me confidence. I was now doing this for the pack as well, not just for Theo. I turned back to face the woman who was now ready and stretching her arms before we started.

     "You ready to lose?" She raised an eyebrow as she snarkily asked.

     "I am ready to kick your ass."

     "Well then let's get started."

     I nodded and we walked towards each other, once we were about five feet apart we got ready and Derik came up to announce. "We have a challenge between two members, Lena has challenged Abigail to see who is the stronger one. The one who is pinned and unable to get up loses. This will be a test of strength out of wolf form." He looked at me, 'Please do not kill her.' I nodded and he left.

     I faced her and before we took the first move she just had to speak.

     "When I win, I get Theo."

     To hell with self control I was going to fucking kill her.

Theo POV

     Sweat forms on the back of my neck, it was barely audible but I heard it, when I win, I get Theo. This was not going to end well. I look next to me to see Derik shake his head with a sigh before focusing back on the fight that I knew the victor of already.

     Abby's face now contorted with anger as the two ran for each other. The first to swing was the woman, aiming for Abs' chest. Abby took steps to the woman's left before swinging her elbow into her center back knocking her down. However she quickly regained her stepping as she stood while Abby took this time to turn back, she didn't run though, she let the woman come back for another turn before getting ready. Abby continuously dodged as the women swung. There were words coming from her mouth but I couldn't hear her, whatever it was, my mate was getting pissed. Abby's voice rang through the area. "You think you can just take a mate away?" Abby swung her leg into her side, the woman tried to block but the force of strength she had pushed her back some. "You think you are mighty?" A kick to the woman's center. "You think you are worthy of someone like him?" A punch to the woman's side who's block did nothing and caused her to go down. Abby stepped on her and I took this chance to look at her eyes. Black. Shit this is not good. I look over at Derik who was sweating.

     "The doctor is almost here and until she is down and pinned there is nothing we can do." I sighed at his remark, he was right.

     Abby leaned down a sinister tone leaking, "Who the hell do you think you are to talk down to and steal from others." There was a crunching sound, she must have gotten a rib or two. I was getting ready to step in when the woman grabbed Abby's leg pushing her off and causing her to lose balance. She got up and tried to take this opportunity to hit Abby, but her fist was caught mid swing, by a not so happy Abby. "You messed with the wrong wolf." Was the last thing she said before throwing her down and hammering. The woman was starting to yell out which in turn caused Derik and I to rush out after Abby. The arena was starting to warm up which made no sense. We reach Abby and begin pulling her off while the woman's friends rush to her.

     I pull Abby to face me by her shoulders and made her look me in the eye. She was breathing heavily and uncontrollably, her fist clenching and unclenching. She tries to push me off but Derik grabs her hands looking at me to calm her, desperation in his eyes. "Abby love, calm down, it is ok, breathe, you won."

     "Why did you stop me!?" Her eyes were wavering colors, her control was off.

     "Because you would have killed her." I tried to stay calm.

     "She threatened to take you away!" She was angry and mad, but her voice lowered. "She called me a useless piece of trash! I needed to go back from wherever I came from." Her voice quivered in the end.

     I took a deep breath to calm myself down before the woman in question kept speaking.

     "You deranged animal, you need to leave this place, you are dangerous. Derik do something!" She yelled trying to feign the victim. We ignored her for the time to look at Abby who was now down.

     "Abby, look at me." She looked up, her eyes beginning to show blue partially. "You are right where you belong, you did nothing wrong."

     "Plus, you were trying to help the pack some." Derik chimed in, causing me to be confused. He gave me a look of 'I'll tell you later'. He released her hands as she took a deep breath.

     "Are you ok now?" She nodded before smiling. The arena beginning to cool down.

     "Sorry I got a little out of control." Derik and I laughed; the pack doctor then entered. This caused all three of us to turn.

     "I was told I was needed..." He looked at the bloody woman, her face was already bruising severely, and her nose was most likely broken. Her hands were holding her ribs and stomach, so Abby most likely got a few more ribs in the chaos.

     "Doc, the crazy bitch over there was being brutal! It is all her fault."

     The doctor looked to where she was pointing and tilted his head to the side before looking back to her, "You mean Alpha Derik's sister?" 

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