Chapter 20

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Abigail POV

It was mid-day now, after we ate breakfast, we trained. It was difficult but I managed, and I didn't quit either. I took Derik down a total of six times; however, I only took Theo down twice. Though the first time I took him down I cheered in victory, he was surprised for a moment then caught me off guard and swiped my legs out from under me. He smirked at me but made sure to say, 'never let your guard down.'

I groaned as I sat at the kitchen table eating food. Halfway done I rested my head on the table, tired.

"Yeah, she was doing great, I am proud of her." I perk my head up at my brother's voice.

"Me as well, she took us down some and most of our pack can't even do that. I swear she is amazing." Theo responded to him, I listened to their conversation as best as I could.

"Ew dude, please don't gush about my sister like that to me!" Derik said disgustedly, I held back a laugh as I blushed.

"Sorry, but you are the only one I truly have to blab to here." Theo's voice held a laughter to it, it was nice and made me smile.

"Yeah yeah, anyways you ready for tonight?" Derik asked Theo and now I was fully intrigued.

"Yep, it should be nice, she hasn't been out since she arrived. It will be good for her I hope." Theo replied.

'Tonight? What do you think they have planned?' I have no idea, but the way they say out, do they mean like off pack grounds? A cold sweat ran down my back. You will be fine if so, Theo should be with us. I mentally nodded to agree with Sabrina, 'yeah I hope so.'

Zoning back into the conversation it sounded like they were close to the Alpha office.

"Are there any updates from the scouts?" Theo asked but it was followed by a pause.

"I have only heard from one which worries me, but it's only a confirmation that the pack is definitely associating with rouges now, as well that they are planning something. They are probably going to try to get her back." That was the last thing I heard from Derik before the door closed behind them.

I did not like the sound of that at all, now I am worried. Why did they sound so sure and strong, why are they not worried?

Because they know everything will be ok. 'I really hope so.' You have to believe in yourself Abigail, you have to let go of your worries, focus on the future. You have a pack and a mate. 'And a huge weight on my shoulders.' I sighed, Sabrina tried to comfort me and made me get up to take a nap.

Quietly I passed the office as I go to my room, I looked over to Theo's room but shook my head and quickly ran into my room and jumped in bed. Rest quickly taking over.



I woke up startled and breathing heavily. I looked up to the two voices who nearly killed me with fright. The two troublemakers, Theo and Derik. I glared before smirking, cracking my knuckles. "You two want to die?" Their smiles dropped before looking at each other. Derik ran out the room slamming my door shut and refusing to let Theo out.

"Calm her down first!" He screamed through the door, fear lacing his voice.


"Hell no! This was your dumb idea!" Theo yelled back.

Walking up quietly during their bickering I tapped Theo shoulder which made him shriek. He stopped his struggle getting out the door and looked back at me. He gulped, "hello beautiful how was your nap?" I tried to hold back, but I could not, so I laughed.

"I am not that scary!" I said between laughing, hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. The door then opened with a sheepish Derik.

"Yeah no, that is not true, truce though?" Derik held his hand out. I caught my breath before standing up straight and shaking my head.

"Nope, I will get you two back later. For now, why wake me?" As I said this mom popped out from around the corner.

"Oh, it looks like they got you up. Now, time to get ready!" My mom said cheerfully as she pushed the two boys out. "Now I brought a nice dress. I believe you should be able to fit in and you can still move around in it." She smiled as she held up a black dress, it was simply but gorgeous and would fit every one of my curves.

I took a hold of the dress, "what is this for?" I asked and she tilted her head in a question before seeming to realize.

"We are going out for dinner!" She grasped both my hands, leaving the dress to hang. "It is time we celebrate your return." She smiled and I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, mom." She hugged me tightly, nuzzling her head in my shoulder.

"Anything for you baby girl, I am just happy you're back home."

We stayed like this for a little bit before she pulled apart and declared it time to get ready as she wiped a few stray tears. She left me so she could get ready herself, telling me to be downstairs in an hour.

I looked down at the dress and decided I should start getting ready. Heading to the bathroom I took a quick ten-minute shower before getting out and getting dressed. I looked in the mirror and sighed. Thinking of what to do with my mane. Finally, deciding on putting my hair halfway up but in a braided crown.

Thirty minutes later after being satisfied with my hair and makeup I headed downstairs to meet everyone. They all looked nice but my mate, of course, stood out the most. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a black button up shirt that was tucked, hugging his chest nicely. His hair was a mess but a styled mess and I wanted to run my hands through it. I looked up to see him scanning over me as well. I blushed and looked down.

"There you are, I say we are all ready now?" My mom ran over to me excited before looking around for confirmation. When everyone agreed we headed out.

I ended up riding with Theo, Derik drove our parents.

"You look amazing by the way." He spoke as we started out the driveway.

I smiled, "thank you, you do as well." He held my hand and smiled at me, and we continued the drive. We ended up jamming to many different songs for the rest of the time and I was having a great time.

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