Chapter 25

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Abigail POV

     It's been a week since Theo and I mated for the first time, I have trained all week during daylight hours. I am much stronger and faster than before, and Theo as well as Derik said they were impressed. I could pretty much keep up with them now. However, no matter how much stronger I got, I still struggled beating Theo and Derik. Mostly Theo. Apparently he got stronger after we mated, something about once you find your mate and finish the bond you each grow stronger. Today was intense training and I was glad when I got to jump in bed and curl up to Theo, letting my eyes shut. My confidence has grown and I am starting to believe in myself. I am strong and have purpose. Death is not an option, I have an amazing family. I am more comfortable now and smile happily knowing my future will be better than my past. Though the thought of my past coming after me haunts me, I try pushing past it. I can be happy.

     However, now for the first time in a long time, I face the willow tree in my dreams. It was like a bucket full of ice water hit me as I remembered what I had to do. I had to rule an entire species that has gone out of balance. I sigh, pushing the branches to the side looking for Sabrina. However I was met with, not just Sabrina, but an overjoyed Selena.

     Smiling ear to ear she ran and gave me a hug before I could bow. "You did it!"

     I questioned what she was talking about but she was squeezing me so much she couldn't see my confusion.

     Squeaking out, I finally got her attention and she let go. Catching my breath I looked up at her, "what are you talking about exactly?"

     "You finally mated!"

     My arm creeped behind my head as I tried to not bounce foot to foot. "Oh that, yeah I did." My face was hot, it had been a week and I still react this way. Though what I didn't understand is why Selena was so bubbly about it. She looked like a child that was given a lollipop instead of a goddess right now.

     "Sorry, these things just excite me, I love romance." I forgot she could hear my thoughts and facepalmed.

     "Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that, though it is nice compared to my flame headed brother. He always goes mad when he is reminded of it." I smile at the memory of my brother randomly glaring down Theo.

     He probably just wishes he knew who his mate was.

     I hum, that was probably true. Now I feel bad about the situation. My arms dell to the side as gloom took over, I was awful to my brother.

     "Oh, don't worry, child. He will meet his mate eventually, when the time is ready for them to." Selena smiled at me and I nod at her reassuring words. "Though I noticed your training with the boys has gone well?"

     I nodded in excitement, "I have become so much stronger now! I can help protect the pack soon! Hopefully, I do not have to rely on others. No one has to be in danger because of me. Now I can do this on my own!" I looked down at the end, balling up my fist and smiling at it. Reassurance flooded me as the thought of protecting everyone was becoming reality.

     Selena came over and placed her hands on my fist. "Relying on others is not a bad thing you know." She lowered my hands. "Doing things by yourself is not the way either, life is not meant to be done all on your own." She brought me out from under the tree, Sabrina following. "Friends, family, even mates are there to help you. To make you happy, cry, have something to keep you going on, to live for. Life was never intended to be a solo journey, but to be abided by company. I know life was not easy for you, but you remember that happiness when you were a kid. When you got lost and would cry but someone found you and made everything better. Anytime that you felt alone saddened you, but the joy you had when someone was by your side." She looked at me with a slight frown. "Do you understand what I mean?"

     I looked at her but had no words, I blinked a few times before looking down. "If I don't do this by myself, they could get hurt."

     You could get hurt on your own as well, what would they think then? The torment that they could have been there to help and they were not and something would have happened.

     I gasped as I looked at Sabrina, "I-" I did not think of it that way, but still. "What if I was the reason someone got hurt, or worse died?"

     Selena smiled at me, "It is sadly a part of life, but doing something like this on your own. You will die if you try that." Her face took on a serious and cold expression towards the end that sent chill bumps down my spine, her voice never wavered as she continued. "So I highly suggest you stray away from that or you will just do greater damage than letting others help."

     I gulped and nodded, "I understand."

     She smiled and was back to her cheerfulness, "then let's get started on element training!" She clasped her hands together and my mouth dropped.

     "But I have just trained a ton today and I am so exhausted I can feel some of it here." I was practically pleading for a break. She booped my nose.

     "Well, it looks like you get to train double now and first up is earth." She then went farther from the tree and towards an open area. I looked over to Sabrina for help.

     Nope, you heard her let's go.

     I sighed heavily and followed them, this will be fine it is not like it will be an everyday thing... Right?

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