Chapter 26 - Overhelming

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I'll Take Them Back! Buu is Humbled By (Y/N) and Cell's Might!

Third Person POV

"What the fuck is this..?!" Cell scoffed, eyeing the Majin in confusion.


You would've shared her puzzlement, if not for the searing desire to pummel the opponent down before you.

"But I don't care..!"

The new redesigned Buu stayed in the air before them, her bare buxom breasts resting above her crossed arms.

But..what could've happened?

Well, it was quite easy analyze.

When Buu absorbs someone, not only does he gain a bit of their appearance and techniques, he also adopts their memories, mannerisms and even personality.

And so, the moment he absorbed 18 was moment that everything that was apart of her was burned into him.

It had an even larger effect, now that he had seemingly reached the max capacity of his absorptions.

It was as if he became an entirely new person, the 'he' now becoming a she. This Buu now shared every single one 18's memories and feelings towards (Y/N).

Of course, that was nothing of trouble.

The Majin gazed at the two of you, her attention mostly fixated on you. Her glowing crimson eyes trailed down your body, as if touching every part of it.

"I'm feeling..violated!" You told, your expression dropping into an uncomfortable one.

"Oh, (Y/N)..speak more for me. Your voice makes me feel like I'm in heaven~" She cooed. "I can't wait to hear what you'll sound like in other things..~"

You looked towards Cell, as she looked back at you, sharing the utmost apprehensive faces.

"This is just unacceptable." Cell spoke.

"Yeah, no duh!" You agreed.

Your face suddenly tensed, your hand gripping your staff. "But.."

It didn't matter.

It absolutely didn't matter at all to you of how her words were smeared with passion towards you or how her eyes were filled with lust as they glared deeply into your soul.

No, of course not. Not when SHE is on the line.

"Wait for me..Lazzy."

Without another word, you dashed off, immediately closing off the distance between you and Buu.

With one hard shot, you struck your palm fiercely against Buu's chest, her eyes widening as every nerve in her body came to a shock, feeling herself freeze up

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With one hard shot, you struck your palm fiercely against Buu's chest, her eyes widening as every nerve in her body came to a shock, feeling herself freeze up.

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