Chapter 17 - Babidi Found! Faceoff with the Demon King?!

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Third Person POV

"Are we there yettt?!" An impatient voice asked, for about the 15th time.

"NO, (Y/N)! We haven't been there the other 14 times and we aren't this time!" 18 griped, rolling her eyes.

"Aw mannn!" You pouted.

"While I admire your eagerness, you shouldn't be so excited, (Y/N). Babadi and his minions are very cunning and powerful. This won't be easy." Supreme Kai warned.

"Oh please! This guy sounds like dirt beneath our fingernails! Without this Majin Buu guy, he sounds pretty helpless to me." Cell scoffed.

"You absolutely cannot underestimate Babadi. Listen, we need to get the element of surprise on him. It is a sure way for victory." He spoke.

"Whaat?! That sounds boring.." You told.

"He's probably right, (Y/N). We shouldn't write this Babadi guy off just yet!" Goku told.

"Thank you, Goku..wait, look over there!" Supreme Kai told as he noticed something.

He saw something that appeared to be a spaceship, and having a few people standing and talking in front of it.

"So, I'm guessing we're checking it out, then?" Gohan assumed.

"Exactly right, but we need to be stealthy. We must watch from that nearby mountain over there." Supreme Kai told, pointing over to said mountain.

"Woahhh, how convient." You sarcastically told.

"(Y/N), just please be on your best behavior..!" 18 pleaded. "You're extremely lovable no matter how you act, but I'd prefer it if you acted more..stable."

"Can I get gummy bears at the end of this?!" You asked.

"Will you be good..?" She asked.

"I can do my best!"

"Oh, fine.." She sighed with a small smile.

Everyone descended down, hiding themselves behind the medium-sized mountain as they watched the individuals that were talking amongst each other.

Two of them were easily recognizable, being Yamu and Spovovich.

The other people were unknown to the Z-Fighters by name, but they had odd appearances.

One was much smaller than the rest of them, having a rodent-like appearance and only a few strands of hair on the top of his head.

He appeared to adorn an orange cape around his body as well.

The other was much taller, and had a very devil-like appearance, with his red skin and yellow eyes, having black slits in them. He also had a cape, being white.

Like Yamu and Spovovich, he had the 'M' symbol on his forehead, which was most likely called the Majin Emblem.

"Ewwww..! That weird rat guy looks worse than Imperfect Cell...!" You whispered with repulsion.

"Ahem..!" Cell chimed, clearing her throat.

"Oh, sorry, Cell..but if it was between you in your first form and that weirdo, I'd vomit from looking at him first!" You assured.

"Ugh..I'll just take the stupid compliment..and yeah, I guess I can't really blame you. I WAS really gross in that form!" Cell agreed with a snicker.

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