Chapter 11 - Earth's Ultimate Foe! Two Mega Powers Meet!

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Third Person POV

The now vicious and out-of-control Super Saiyan stared down at the only two people who could give a decent fight.

With one swift moment, you dashed up into the air. Once getting the high enough, a Golden Ki sphere appeared in your hand, only for you to throw right down at them.

Both 18 and Cell, jumped right out of the way, ascending to the air themselves as they avoided the blast.

What they didn't see coming next however, was you suddenly appearing behind 18, giving her a hard kick to the back of her head.

With a pained yell, she flew back as you turned your predatory gaze on Cell.

You charged right at him, going for a rough a punch to his chest as you swung your fist forth.

Surprisingly, he was able to block it with his own fist, feeling the roughness of your fist as they collided.

Unfortunately, you followed up with a speed head butt as you clashed your skull with Cell's, causing him to back up from the impact.

You then slammed the back of your arm into the side of his face, swatting him away as he were a fly.

18 recovered quickly from your assault, catching herself into the air.

She extended out both both arms, firing out rapid Ki bullets at you at a fast speed.

You just smirked as you once again let your aura spark out from you, deflecting every single of the bullets with ease, much to 18's dismay.

Without any warning, you suddenly rushed towards her.

The female Android did her best to brace herself for your attack, but her efforts were fruitless as you were able to get yet another clean kick, slamming your foot into her face.

She was sent soaring back, the bruise on her face easily showing.

'Another kick?!' 18 thought to herself as she once again recovered.

A vile grin crept up to your lips once again as you opened your palm, causing a circular Ki blast to appear above 18's head.

It had a hole in the middle, as if it were some type of doughnut.

You lowered your hand down, and in turn, the doughnut-shaped attack lowered itself around 18's neck, only to close in and tightly grip it.

"Gack!" She wheezed as the circular blast began to squeeze her neck.

You chuckled maliciously as you made the blast tighten even more around her neck, closing up any way for oxygen into her mouth as you choked her.

18 was helpless, as all she could was try and remove the Ki ring from her neck, which proved to be useless to do.

Luckily, her suffering was cut short, as a sudden Ki blast went in and hit you from the back, causing you to stagger a bit.

You growled and the Ki dissipated, much to the Android's relief.

You turned around to see that it was none other than Cell had attacked you.

"You fools are beginning to get on my nerves. Just drop dead already!" You spat.

"What's wrong? Can't do it yourself?" Cell taunted. "After all, you're just a rabid dog! A dog who needs to be put down!"

You just smirked evilly at Cell's comment.

"Funny how you're calling me a dog, since you're about to be slaughtered like one." You chuckled darkly.

"Bastard!" Cell barked as he rushed at you.

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