Chapter 18 - True Rejuvenation

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The True Enemy Unleashed! I'm supposed to be Afraid of YOU?!

(A/N: Sooo, I actually decided to go and switch up my title style again! I'm gonna go back to the old ones for the outside title, so it'll be cleaner and easier for everyone to read, but use the new style as an inside title! Hope that makes sense.)

Third Person POV

"V..Vegeta!" You spoke out in a concerned manner. "I really hope he's just trying to get a fart out..!"

The Supreme Kai clenched his teeth, growling in frustration as he knew all too well what was going on.

The event that was about to occur would be the compete take-over of Vegeta's mind.

"Oh no! Babidi is trying to control Vegeta! He's reawakening the evil in his heart so that he'll become his mindless puppet!" The Supreme Kai told.

"Vegeta! C'mon, you have to fight it! Don't let him, do you hear me?!" Goku tried, glaring at his rival.

Vegeta could only yell and groan as his voice shrilled, his face being void of any positive emotions.

"G-Gragh!" He noised, clutching his head.

The prince let out a roar, his power skyrocketing as his hair transitioned into his golden Super Saiyan color.

He began to air out an evil and malicious aura, red sparks crackling around him.

Trunks looked at the prince, a bit bewildered and shocked as he was about to watch his only father undergo an ominous transformation.

You couldn't even believe what you were watching as you saw Vegeta howl and shout.

You were wondering upon what would happen if he would have his mind taken over.

Would he turn on you? Would he never be able to return?

Would he lose his life yet again?

Would...YOU have to take his life?

The very thoughts made you grit your teeth and tense your muscles, as the thought of losing someone you had grown close to was obviously undesirable.

Vegeta's muscles expanded as his power surged, releasing the grip on his head as let out a breath, almost sounding like a hissing sound.

He let his head turn downwards, facing all of you, revealing a terrible sight.

There it was, the nefarious Majin emblem etched right onto Vegeta's forehead. His eyes were outlined with a black color, a vile grin perching itself on his lips.

"Oh's too late..!" Supreme Kai spoke in a disturbed tone.

"Wow..he's gotten way WAY stronger now..!" You noticed with a gasp, looming at Vegeta in astonishment.

Your expression of amazement faded quickly however, turning into an anxious smile.

"You've gotten stronger, but..." You started off.

"Say, Geets. You're, aren't you?" You asked.

Vegeta's wicked smile slipped into a frown as he glared at you, not giving a response.

"C'mon,'re still with us, right? You're still that crabby and grumpy guy with the Widow's Peak, aren't ya?"

18 gazed at you, frowning worriedly as she could easily see the desire for hope on your face, the hope that Vegeta was still on their side.

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