Chapter 10 - How I've Waited For This Moment! Pure Malice Erupts!

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(A/N: Apologies for the unusually long title. I wanted to try something new with it and make it more 'Dragon Ball style').

Third Person POV

The offsprings of Cell only giggled maliciously, knowing full well of the evil acts their father wanted done.

"Now, my children, or should I say, Cell Juniors...GO!" Cell commanded.

And with that, the Cell Juniors flew past you and over to Android 18.

You quickly spun around, just about to rush over to them, before Cell suddenly appeared before you with lightning speed.

"Oh, I don't think so, (Y/N). We're still on our little play date, remember? So you won't be going anywhere!" Cell cackled.

You just growled at the Android's statement, but then smirked.

"Fine! I'll kill you and help 18! Simple as that! Besides, I'm sure she can hold her own!" You retorted, right before ramming your fist into Cell's stomach.

Meanwhile, 18 had her hands full with fending off the Cell Juniors.

"Rrgh!" She grunted, implying that she was having trouble.

One of the devilish children tried giving a kick to her stomach, which she quickly and immediately blocked.

She gave a cold glare to the Cell Junior, only to be suddenly ambushed by a hard slug from one of the other Cell Juniors.

She staggered back, but wasn't given any time to relax or rest.

"This..this is crazy, folks! Cell's children are ganging up on the now reformed Android 18! Meanwhile, (Y/N) is still busy with Cell himself!" The announcer spoke out.

One of the Juniors turned to the announcer upon hearing her voice, then gave a sick grin.

The announcer turned and looked at the child, feeling unease and intimidated.

"E-Eee! It's looking right at me!" The announcer squeaked.

"Gyehehe..RAGH!" The Junior suddenly screeched before rushing at her.

The announcer screamed in fear before Hercule heroically jumped right in front of her.

"H-Haha! You'll have to get through m-me, first!" Hercule stated.

'Please don't go through me! Please don't through me!' Hercule thought to himself as the Cell Junior rushed at him.

Suddenly, 18 appeared between the two, reeling back and slamming her fist into the Cell Junior's face, sending him flying right back.

"W-Woah! Thanks, 18..!" The announcer spoke out.

"No problem..but I highly recommend you go somewhere farther from here!" She warned as she went to the rush at the Cell Juniors.

You continued to battle Cell. Unfortunately, this was neither a winning, nor losing battle.

You and Cell were at equal strength, neither one being able to defeat the other, try as you'd might.

As 18 continued to defend herself against the Cell Juniors, one of them managed to kick the back of her neck, sending her crashing to the ground.

She groaned as she picked herself up, but she was left wide-open as one of the Cell Juniors put their hands together and over their head.

"Kyehehe..Masenko!" Cell Junior yelled as a yellow Ki wave was shot from his hands, hitting 18 dead-on.

The dust from the impact of the attack cleared, as it showed a very injured 18 breathing and panting.

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