Chapter 21: Animosity of a Saiyan and Human

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You Did What?! The Vile Demon Buu Resurfaces!

Third Person POV



The various sounds of collision and impact continued to come to fruition, heralding a rough and fierce clash.

As of now, a trio of rigid fighters were engaging in a heated sparring session.

The trio of course, would consist of a father, a mother and son.

Quite a fearsome team, wouldn't you agree?

"SKAAAADOOSH!" You shouted, sending a tight and hard kick towards the blonde beautify, 18.

However, she quickly reacted, perfectly placing her tough arms in front of her as your foot slammed against them.

You continued your pattern of attack, preforming a small spin and slamming into her side, applying a hard pressure to that very spot

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You continued your pattern of attack, preforming a small spin and slamming into her side, applying a hard pressure to that very spot.

The female grunted, but easily adjusted. She sent her head forward, slamming it into your forehead with a jarring head butted.

You coughed up spit, staggering back from the bruising impact.

With that, 18 sent a blitzing kick of her own to the side of your head, only for you respond by tilting your head, the blow only swiping at your hair.

As you went below, you quickly clenched your first as you slammed it into her stomach. The immense power from the blow made her gasp, as her eyes widened.

It wasn't enough to make her yield however. She quickly kept going, smashing a sharp knee to your chin.

As your head was forced into an upward motion, you were able to catch a glimpse of something forward you.

It was a small blur, dashing straight for you.

"Ohhhh shit!"

You instantly regained your balance, dashing straight to the left, barely evading the incoming assault to your head as the figure landed hard on the ground.

"Whew..! Close one, son!" You chuckled, your lips turning into a smirk as you crossed your arms.

Seizan, who had just regained his balance, just smiled.

"Yeah, if I was just a smidge faster, I would've caught you for sure, dad!" Seizan assured.

2 days passed by ever since the 3 of you had entered into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which in here, became 2 years.

Your offspring Seizan, had gotten much taller thanks the large time gap. He was looking much more muscular and a bit more mature now as well.

"Heh..alright! Let's stop here, guys! I think it's about time.." You started.

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