Chapter 20 - Inheritance | Part 2

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Passed Down from Father to Son! The Ultimate Family Dispute Erupts!

Third Person POV

"WOAHH!" You gasped, looking around at your new surroundings.

"Why are you sounding so surprised? You've been here in the haven't you?" 18 asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, and it hasn't gotten ANY less cooler!" You exclaimed.

As you all stepped forward, for a small part of the room, there was definitely housing that would accommodate for only a few people.

There were at least two beds, a bathroom complete with a toilet and bath tub, and even a small fridge.

"Ooo! Ooo!" You gasped in joy, running over to the mini fridge.

"It's the fridge that magically restocks infinitely! Oh, I've missed you buddy!" You gushed, wrapping your arms around the object and hugging it tightly.

"Quickly you two, boy down our savior and praise him!" You demanded, looking to your wife and child.

"(Y/N), there is no way either of us are-" 18 began.

"Oh, thank you Magic Fridge! All hail the Magic Fridge!" Seizan spoke and he began bowing down.

"All hail the Magic Fridge!" You both began in unison. "All hail the-!"

"ENOUGH!" 18 shouted, sending chills down both of your spines as you instantly stood back up with a straightened posture.

"(Y/N), I would appreciate it if you wouldn't mold our son into a fridge-praising lunatic! I'm already having to beat that stupid idea out of YOU." She scolded, her hands on her hips.

"Alllright, alright, Laz! I promise." You assured.

You leaned towards the mini fridge.

"We'll talk later.." You whispered.

"I can hear you, moron." 18 scoffed.

"Dad! Mom! Are we gonna train now?!" Seizan interrupted.

"Duhhh!" You replied, immediately switching gears. "Alright, first thing's first! Seizan! You're gonna train in your Super Saiyan form and then you can-!"

"(Y/N), he can't go Super Saiyan." 18 correctly flatly.

You blinked a little upon having that piece of information come through your brain.

"..Pft! Nonsense! C'mon son, aren't you gonna conveniently reveal that you can go Super Saiyan out of nowhere, even though it hasn't even been THOUGHT of until now?!" You asked.

"No, daddy!" Seizan answered, having 18 giggle a little.

"Why?!" You questioned.

"Because that's just bullshit!" Seizan exclaimed.

"Seizan!" 18 scolded.

"Oops, sorry mom."

"Aw, shucks! Well, that's alright! We'll just have you do it the usual way then: Blinding rage!" You decided.

"Sooo..I just need to be super mad?" Seizan asked.


"Wow! What made YOU so made you became a Super Saiyan, dad?" The offspring asked.

"Well, son! It was because.." Your sentence halted, as you had realized one crucial detail.

18 had caught onto that as well, as she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly.

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