Chapter 2 - Peace Restored

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Third Person POV

It's been half of a year ever since you had vanquished the evil Android 17, leaving her twin sibling to cease her malicious ways and live a peaceful life.

Speaking of 18, she had told you that she would most definitely be coming to settle a score with you. However, you saw her ever again after that encounter.

Now, you were a hero who was respected among the entire human population-which had also repopulated pretty nicely surprisingly in such short time.

At least once a week, you'd be chased down by crazed and excited fan girls until you finally lost them, which took at least 15 to 30 minutes to do so. You could never escape without having a bunch of kiss marks inhabiting your face.

They were relentless!

Ever since that day, you assisted in reconstructing many cities. Once you were done with one, you'd move onto the next. Whether they were out of the state or even the country!

You've made above average process in reconstruction and all the rainy clouds above everyone's heads have finally lifted.

And nobody even dared to that the all the credit didn't belong to you, no matter how much the story was shortened or butchered.

Schools had days off that were dedicated to you, statues of you have been carved and you were currently being added into history as one of the most important events in time.

It would be a pretty massive lie to say that your ego hasn't increased from all of this. Although, you would always try to receive it as humbly as you could.

Keyword: Try.

And now, you were here.

On the couch.

Watching Big Mouth.

On Netflix.

You were extremely grateful, but surprised that television was revived so quickly! Right now, you were watching the brand new Valentines Day special.

You weren't able to understand it sometimes, with your poor knowledge on things that were related to sex since you spent your entire life training and fighting—but it got a bunch of laughs out of you anyways. 

"That..was the best Valentines Day special ever!" You cheered.

"Are you still watching inappropriate cartoon?" A familiar voice asked from behind.

You turned to see the blue haired scientist, Bulma leaning on the wall with her arms crossed.

Ever since you met Gohan and Trunks, you lived inside of Bulma's house and continued to do so even after his death. She could be seen as a great mother figure for you as she gave you fresh clothes, food and made sure that the living conditions for you here were more than average.

"Oh hey, Miss Bulma! And yeah, it's hilarious!" You responded as your lips lifted up into a smile.

She only returned the smile along with a sigh.

"Heh. Well, breakfast is ready, (Y/N). Come and eat!" She told.

"Yes, ma'am!" You jumped out from the couch and headed towards the kitchen to grab a seat at the table.

Once you rested your rear on the chair, you laid your eyes on the food which made your mouth water. You licked your lips at the delectable looking food.

"Bacon, toast, scrambled eggs and a cup of milk. Bon Appetite!" She jollily spoke.

You couldn't respond as you already had the food stuffed into your mouth, chewing and swallowing it down.

Android 18 X Male Reader: A Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now