Chapter 14 - I've Been Excited For This Day! We Meet Again!

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Third Person POV

"Man! I am sooooo psyched!" An enthusiastic voice exclaimed, filled to the brim with energy as it was your's.

Why you were so excited exactly?

Well, it was simple.

Today was the day that the tournament would begin!

A few days have passed ever since Trunks had brought it up and the day was finally here.

You were walking towards the tournament entrance itself. But of course, you weren't alone.

Accompanying you, were many of your favorite your people to be with.

One of course, being your caring wife, Android 18. Another one would be a miniature version of you, being your amazing son. Although, you had sit right on your shoulder, much the both of you two's enjoyment.

Another one coming along would be your best friend and basically brother, Trunks. The one who had mentioned the tournament in the first place.

Yet another would be Bulma, your new tender mother.

And the last, but most definitely not least, cane the prince of Saiyans, Vegeta. You could somewhat look at him as a father figure, but unfortunately it would be rare.

"This tournament REALLY excites you that badly, doesn't it?" 18 noticed as she walked along with you.

"How couldn't it?! It's gonna be a lotta fun! And plus, there's still that certain fighter!" You chuckled.

"You're still thinking about this 'special fighter' of your's? Man, he must have a lot of power stored in him, I bet." Trunks guessed.

"I'm hoping he does too hehe!" You agreed.

"What? Are you saying that you don't even KNOW whether he's strong or not?" Vegeta scoffed.

"Well, not exactly! I've got high hopes! And besides, it ain't just because he'll be powerful or anything! I'm just REALLY looking forward to seein' him!" You told.

"Well whoever it is, he must be a really nice guy if you're that excited, dad!" Seizan exclaimed from atop your shoulder.

"I totally am, Seizan! And I'm excited to see you fight too!" You spoke as you ruffled his hair. "Make sure not to hold back!"

"Uh, no, (Y/N)! He definitely does need to hold back! And so do you!" 18 interjected.

"Yeah, she has a point, (Y/N)." Bulma concurred. "Everyone's probably all nervous already by just knowing that they have a chance of facing you in the ring!"

"Aw, really? Well, that DOES make sense!" You accepted. "Alright, Seizan! Make sure to pull your punches, little guy!"

"Hehe! Alright dad!" The boy listened.

"Well I mean, except against-"

"HEY GUYS! OVER HERE!" A voice called out.

You both looked to see that you had neared the entrance, seeing everyone who had patiently waiting for you.

The voice who called was none other than the battle-loving Goku.

You smiled brightly upon seeing the Saiyan, along with all the others that were with him, those being his wife Chichi, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Yamcha, Oolong and even Master Roshi!

There someone else there, though. Somebody who was of the same size as Seizan and appeared to be the same age.

He was indeed a child, as he was also sitting on top of Goku's shoulder. And speaking of Goku, the boy looked just exactly like Goku.

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