Chapter 23: Who We Are

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A Monster's Endless Growth! Renewed Warriors, Come Forth!

Third Person POV

The sounds of heavy breathing and huffing filled the air.

Much destruction and ruin had come to this desert area, but it had not mattered. This was place was to be used for one use and only one use.

To kill.

"Asshole..that should make him stay down!" You spat.

"Sheesh, I hope you're right. I've gotten a better handling of the Super Saiyan 3 transformation, but it's still taking up a lotta energy!" Goku replied.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. But the energy consumption here isn't all that bad this time."

"Hey guys, pay attention!" 18 barked.

You two snapped your attention to a pink blur that suddenly shot up from the crater. The two of you glared hard at the sight, knowing the full well what it was.

Majin Buu. And he was most definitely unhappy, as even now, he was still fixing up his wounds and regenerating his damage.

"You..You bastards!" He growled.

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard it before. Now, if you give an actual explanation of what the hell you did to my son, I might make your death easier on you." You stated, malice covering your tone.

Buu simply let out a cackle from your threat.

"Oh, don't worry. He isn't dead, or so I think." He replied.

"Then what exactly happened, damn it?!" 18 asked.

"I just absorbed him. His power, feelings and even memories are now apart of me." The Majin briefly explained.

"Sheesh. What's next? Are you gonna pull out Up-Down, Left-Right-A next on your list of cheat codes?" You asked. "This is just getting stupid!"

"Cry about it all you like, it's not going to change the fact that I've absorbed him! And I'm definitely set on doing the same to you three morons." Buu promised.

"Then stop talking and try it!"

You charged at the Majin. Before you could get in range however, he flashed a sick grin before putting a finger to the side of his head.

"Nabong Needle, x150!" He shouted.

"What the—Gah!" You coughed, as Buu had just struck his fist hard into your stomach.

"I told you didn't I? I'm—NGH!"

He was abruptly cut off, due to you slamming your forehead into his. With that, you gripped his face and slammed your knee into his jaw, causing his head to fly back.

"Using my own son's moves that you absorbed against me just pisses me off even more! And it sure as hell doesn't help your chance of not kicking your ass sideways!"

You went to slam your foot into the side of his neck, but he managed to duck, smashing an elbow into your abdomen, causing you to cough up blood.

"Damn! Hang on, (Y/N)!" 18 told as she rushed in immediately.

She made a slashing motion, directly aimed at Buu's shoulder , which she swiftly ripped through with her palm and effectively cut off his arm.

"Shit!" Buu growled.

You smirked excitedly, creating a Ki sphere in your palm and put it right to his face. With that, it was launched right into his face and blew him back quite the distance.

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