Chapter 15 - A Battle Reincarnated! Two Powers Reunite!

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Third Person POV

The moment they were given the signal, bout fighters sudden vanished in thin air, giving a shock to everyone.

"W-Wow! They're gone! And now—WOAH!" The announcer suddenly yelped upon hearing a loud crash go through the air.

That very crash began to occur again as aftershocks went through the sky.

This was the result of both you and Llec clashing fiercely within the air.

You drilled your fist right into Llec's cheek, having her spit out saliva from the impact. However, she easily retaliated by swinging her knee into your stomach harshly.

The battle had started out with crazy beginning, everyone else not being able to take their eyes off from the battle.

"W-Woah! That chick is going to head-to-head with (Y/N)!" Krillin exclaimed.

"And neither of em' are even breakin' a sweat!" Goku told.

"I can't believe it..!" 18 voiced. "Something's up with that girl..the way she looks and how she speaks. And not only that, but (Y/N) talks as if she knows her..!"

"Well whatever it is, she's an extraordinary fighter!" Piccolo told.

The battle within the skies continued as the two of you began to smash your knees into each other, neither one giving an inch.

Suddenly, Llec went ahead and grabbed your leg, only to pull on it and swing you right downwards to the ground.

You began to plummet down, your head facing the ground that you would plunge down to, as you were upside-down.

The girl went to give chase as she blasted off over to you, meeting your gaze as she tried for another attack.

But the instant that she got close, you smirked and put both palms out together in front of you.

A sudden blast launched out from your hands, colliding into the girl's chest as it blew her back.

The blast exploded on impact as it hit her, increasing the speed she was flying at.

Luckily for her, she caught herself and stopped mid-air.

You flipped yourself so that your feet would touch the ground, which they did upon landing.

Llec soon enough flew right back onto the ring, landing right in front of you.

"Heh! You're good! Really good! Honestly, I figured you'd be the only challenge for me!" The girl snickered.

"Yeah! Same here!" You replied.

Llec smirked as she gave a planning gaze.

"I see that you can fight exactly like I can! Wanna see something cool?" She offered.

"Somethin' cool? Hell yeah!" You accepted, your excitement climbing into your voice.

And upon hearing that answer, she would fulfill her promise in showing you something cool.

She clenched her fists, having her muscles tighten as it appeared that she could charge her energy.

It was obvious, seeing as how she could fly, but she was easily to use Ki.

Her power began to skyrocket and rise immensely, much to everyone's shock and your enjoyment.

And you were especially enjoying this, because her Ki gave off something unusual. Something unusual that you had recognized.

And that very unusual something was..

The fact that her Ki made of multiple Ki signals.

"W-Wait a second! Her's like I'm feeling other people's Ki! Especially..Goku's?!" Yamcha gasped.

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