Chapter 4 - Vile Acsension

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Third Person POV

"So, (Y/N).." Android 18 began, her tone emitting a slight darkness to it.

"Yeahhh?" You asked.

In the back of your mind, you were fearful of the way she spoke your name with fierce venom, but you acted as if you completely missed, greatly hoping for a miracle to save you from what would come next.

However, your hopes dwindled as your eyes trailed down to her left hand, in which her fingers were twitching, looking as they wanted to stop being held back and squeeze the life out of you.

Your heart might as well have taken leap off the hugest building there was after seeing that.

"Would you, to repeat that for me?" She asked, although it was more like a demand.

And you were very reluctant to meet that demand.

"Repeat? Repeat whaaaat? I said a lotta things, ya gotta be a lil' more specific!" You told, trying your damndest to dodge her question.

"Oh, you know very well what I want you to repeat. Now, I won't ask you again: Repeat. What. You. Said." She sternly ordered.

She turned her head, removing her Emerald-eyed contact lenses, revealing her true eyes, which was a sparkling-like blue color.

You failed to avoid the cold glare of her icy azure eyes. While adding into her beauty factor, they were also an amazing asset to her terrifying undertone.

"I..I-I erm..I MIGHT have asked you why a certain part of my body grew in size, but mannn, that could've been anybody!" You finally admitted, butchering what you said a little.

"Riiight..except that we're the only ones here." She simply corrected.

"O-Oh yeah! Probably just slipped my mind hehe!" You nervously replied.

You were sweating bullets, while Lazuli was glaring daggers at you. You simply couldn't shake off her cold glare.

Forget Cell's Perfecr Form, because this-

Was a power that could not be defied.

"Well, (Y/N). I have to say, I find that all very.." She began.

However, right as her tongue functioned to say her next words, the malice on her tone was dropped off, only to be replaced by new one.

"I find that quite flattering~!" She cooed as she put her index finger to the bottom of your chin, stroking and tickling it a little.

As your face was set ablaze with a blush, you swore that you eyes were going to pop out from your socket.

Usually, instead of her finger carefully caressing your chin, her entire hand would be wrapped around your neck, strangling it intensely.

"You're..not murdering me?!" You asked, surprising crawling over your tone.

"Heh, no. Not this time at least.." She muttered the last part.


"Y'know, (Y/N)." She started as she tried to change the subject. "Your words really hit me, right down to my heart and I could feel them echo within. It really felt that you meant them, and I know that you do!"

Android 18 X Male Reader: A Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now