Chapter 5 - Sinister Escalation

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Third Person POV


That's all that could be displayed during this battle between you and the monstrous Cell.

Normal eyes could not keep up with such a high-speed battle. There were blurs of fists that would occasionally pop up in the sky as you two continued combat.

The two of you would randomly appear for a split second, showing off a fierce exchange of hardened blows.

Punch for punch, kick for kick! A fist would collide into a knee, an elbow would smash into an arm! You hadn't expected Cell to be this strong! In this form, Vegeta treated him as a pushover!

In contrast to his past counterpart, this version of Cell seemed to far surpass the other one in strength and speed.

"Not bad, not bad!" You excitedly exclaimed as you continued to send your barrages of punches into his. "I thought you would be a pansy, but this actually fun!"

"I hate to admit this to a brat like you, but I could say the same to you!" Cell replied, feeling the same way.

Even between words, neither of you relented or gave an inch. Meanwhile, Android 18 could only watch, feeling electrified at this heated battle.

"Shit, they're both pretty good!" 18 commented, her eyes glued to the on-going battle that was occurring before her.

"Hyah!" You grunted as you slammed your fist into his stomach, pushing the painful pressure onto his abdominal region.

Saliva escaped from his lips as it slighted down from the corner of his mouth. He gave out a squawk of pain, before his lips contorted into a snarl.

Even from the pain, he didn't hesitate to respond with another hit, one that was a foot smashing into your knee.

You gasped in both shock and pain, right before receiving a hard smack to the face from Cell's tell. This ended up in you hurdling a few feet back from him, until halting to complete stop.

Without even taking another breath, you charged right back in. Not giving Cell enough time to react, you spun yourself forward, as if you were a ball, then proceeded to let your forehead loose as you rammed it right into is!

Cell's eyes went blank as he felt the impact, the pain rushing to his nerves.

"Bada-Boom!" You shouted in victory, a smirk smile coming to your face. "And then comes..!"

You grabbed his shoulders without a second thought, gripping the tightly, digging your nails into his spotted shoulders.

What came next, was a rough knee to his stomach. Cell curled over as he sputtered, drops of blood coming the caves of his mouth.

But you weren't letting up just yet! You released his shoulders, only to wrap your hands around his ankle, right before throwing him down as he hurdled down to the surface!

He plunged down at a high velocity, but fortunately for Cell, he was quick on his feet, as he managed to land those said feet. As they came in contact with the ground, the surface rumbled from the incredible impact.

As for you, you just put a thumb to the corner of your lip, and wiped it. You looked at your thumb, only to see a bit of blood stained upon it.

"Oh man! This dumbass is a lot better than I thought!" You admitted, descending yourself down to the ground until your feet finally met up with the surface.

Cell was panting and huffing, glaring at you with malice.

"Y'know, I was honestly NOT expecting that tail to come and whack me like that! And I didn't even penetrated this time!" You told the Bio-Android.

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