Chapter 19 - Sorrowful Redemption

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Further Evolution! A Proud Warrior Says His Goodbyes!

Third Person POV

"W..Wha?!" 18 voiced, tilting her head in slight confusion.

"I don't quite know myself, 18. I was transforming and suddenly, it was just..boner." You answered. "And with you here, it might not just go down any time soon.."

18 just held her mouth agape. She didn't know whether to be baffled by your words or your new transformation, or just both.

"Also, before anyone asks, NO! I don't need a lozenge! This just happens normally when I do it." You assured.

Babidi looked at the hybrid in agitation, clenching his rotten fist.

"So you changed your hair color style? What about it?! It's still no match for-!"

"Nu-uh! My face changed too!"

Suddenly, you pulled out a hand-mirror from who knows where, looking at your reflection and seeing the animalistic expression on your face.

"I look super freaky. It even got rid of my eyebrows for some reason! I'm like...Franken-Saiyan!" You gasped.

"Rrgh! Don't take us lightly! We can still-!"

"Yeah, hold that thought right there."

What happened next, was that the creature known was Majin Buu suddenly felt a hard pressure crash onto his face, the impact pushing the side of his cheek roughly.

It was you, giving a rough kick to the Majin, causing him to go flying.

'I don't have a lot of time with this transformation! It took a looootta time to reach this state, I only completed it recently!' You thought to yourself.

You pursued after the Majin, dashing after him as your aura surged around you.

Upon reaching him, you slammed your knee into his back, then collided your elbow harshly into his stomach.

"If I can kill you now, then that means Gohan won't become Mystic! I..I have to do this!" You growled.

Suddenly, Buu launched his gloved fist into the side of your cheek, giving a painful impact to it.

He flipped himself forward, regaining a standing position in the air.

"Woah! You're way stronger now! But not stronger than Buu!" Buu stated.

"No way, fatty!"

You reached out your hand, tightly gripping it around Majin Buu's antenna as you grabbed it.

With that, you slammed your forehead into Buu's, preforming a rough headbutt.

Then, you quickly followed up with smashing your knee into his stomach repeatedly and relentlessly.

Ending your assault, you slammed your foot right into the Majin's chest, sending him back quite a few feet. But the creature simply recovered immediately.

"Wow! I'm not gonna lie, I watched The Passion before the whole tournament even started and I just could NOT shake that empty feeling it gave me from how shitty it was." You started.

"But! You completely lifted my spirits!"

Majin Buu tilted his head, somewhat confused.

"What's..The Passion?" Buu asked.

"Wha? Dude, you don't know what The Passion is?!" You gasped. "I thought everyone heard about it!"

"(Y/N), he JUST got revived today!" 18 called out in annoyance.

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