Chapter 24: A Sense of Responsibility

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A Child and Parent are Finally Reunited! I'll Be Sure to Take you Back With Me!

Third Person POV

"Ouch..yeahhh, I guess we kinda deserved that, eh?" The father chuckled.

"Not kinda. Definitely." The mother corrected.

"Just..what the hell is this?!" You questioned. "Where'd you guys come from?! How long has it been?! Why didn't you get my that pet goldfish I wanted?! Why-"

"Okay okay, slugger. Slow down!" The father cut off. "Listen..I guess to start off..we didn't really die."

You blinked, confusing seeping through your brain.

"Stupid! That's now how you tell it!" The mother scoffed.

"Well excuuuuse me, princess!" The father snickered.

"Ugh..Listen, (Y/N). We ARE dead. We just..haven't passed on. And the reason for that is-"

"We locked ourselves in you, we became apart of you." The father finished.

"Heyyy! I wanted to tell him!" The mother whined.

"Toooo bad!"

Yup, you definitely came from them alright..

"Hey, hey, hey!" You barked. "What're ya guys talking about?"

The father scratched the side of his head, thinking of an answer.

"Hmmm..well, I guess it's a little hard to explain..alright!" He decided, bringing fist into his palm.

"Basically..when me and your mother here were killed by that black haired Android, we found ourselves waiting in line for something." He began.

"Yup! Me and Letta saw a huge red guy with horns. He had a beard and everything." The mother explained.

"Yup! Niaza here was  scared shitless!" Letta laughed.

Unfortunately, that only earned him a slug to the chin, courtesy of your mother.

"Ouch.." Letta groaned.

"Dumbass..!" Niaza huffed, crossing her arms with a pout.

'Why am I getting deja-vu?' You thought to yourself.

They both cleared their throats.

"Anyways..when we finally got the red dude, who said his name was King Yemma by the way, he told us we were gonna go straight up to Heaven." Letta continued.

"Buuuut! We weren't too satisfied with that." Naiza spoke.

"Eh? Why?" You asked.

"Because then we'd miss you!" She answered.

"Yup. See, we're the kind of parents kids find annoying, being super attached and participating WAYYY too much in their lives!" Letta sided.

"Yeah! The moment you popped outta me, your dad had a whole cake ready to congratulate you!" Your mother giggled.

"Of course, babies can't eat cake when they come out of their we just ate it instead while you sucked on your moms tits!" 

"Letta!" Naiza scolded.

"Whaaat? He's 24 now!" Lettu tried, making the woman roll her eyes.

"Woahhh..I wish I could remember!" You sighed. "But..I'm glad you guys really wanted to be with me all this time! So what happened next?"

"Well, we told him we weren't going anywhere and that we wanted to stay with you! Like as ghosts!" Lettu replied.

"But he said that was against the rules." Naiza spoke.

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