Chapter 22: Child's Play and Parent's Rage

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Come Forth, Brilliant Youth! The Immature Warrior Steps Forth!

Third Person POV

"Sooo..they're seriously gonna fuse?" You asked, tilting your head.

"Yup! All they gotta do is preform the dance and they'll be all ready to go!" Goku promised with a grin.

"Well, that seems fun and all..but what about that guy?" 18 asked, pointing to something.

Everyone looked over to the direction she mentioned, only to find something very unpleasant.

That very something, was Majin Buu walking out from the gigantic crater you had created.

And boy, did he look pissed.

His white eyes had turned into a blood-red ones, as if two red dots were within a void.

"Well, well. Look who finally decided to come out." You scoffed, crossing your arms.

"That hurt..that really really HURT!" Buu shouted, clenching his fist.

"Eh, sue me! Oh wait, you probably killed very lawyer already. Although, I don't think I'd blame you for some." You admitted.

"That's horrible, (Y/N)." 18 told flatly.

"Eh, whatever. Now you, just wait over there. Those two squirts are gonna do something cool!" You ordered.

"Wait? No! Buu tired of waiting! Buu tired of waiting for Trump to do something! Buu wants everything NOW!" He shouted.

"The fuck you do! We waited countless times for you guys to power up and transform! So, you are gonna sit your ass down and WATCH!" You barked.

"BUU DOESN'T WANT TO!" He argued.

"(Y/N) DOESN'T CARE!" You growled.

18 sweated a little at the scene, before turning to the boys.

"Quick, you two. While he's uh..discussing with Buu, fuse! And make sure you do it right!" 18 whispered.

"Got it, mom. Let's do it, Goten!" Seizan insisted.

"Right there with you!" Goten obliged.

With that, the two went into position. They began to preform the exact movements taught to them by Goku, their arms and legs being placed.


"No! Because you're an ASSHOLE!"

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"No! Because you're an ASSHOLE!"

"SHUT UPPPP!" Buu screeched.

"SHUT UPPPP!" Buu screeched

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