Chapter 27 - Pure Evil

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Regression into Pure Carnage! The Battle for the Universe starts now!

Third Person POV

"Okay so.." You started off, awe lingering in your voice. "..What the hell am I looking at exactly

"Is that supposed to be..Buu?" Goku asked.

Right now, the version of Majin Buu they were staring was much different. The creature was shorter, and seemed to have a much more childlike face.

However..that expression of violence did not fade.

The Majin did not move even one inch, standing there in silence.

"Pft..this guy's a damn midget now!" Vegeta chuckled, a grin placed on his lips. "It should be easier to beat him now!"

"Oh, no, no! This is horrible!" A voice suddenly spoke in fear.


You all looked over, only to see none other than Kibito Kai.

"When the hell did you get here?" Vegeta asked.

"Basically, he used something like Instant Transmission." You answered him. "Try to keep up, pops!"

"This damn brat..!"

"I'm afraid there are much more things to worry about..the worst possible outcome has just happened!" Kibito Kai gulped.

"Huh..? What are you talking about?" Goku questioned.

" talking about that little kiddy Buu over there? Isn't he weaker than before?" Cell asked.

"Yes, he's definitely weaker than when he had absorbed them..but that just may be meaningless in this situation."

"Ugh, cut the cryptic bullshit and get on with the explanation!" You groaned.

The Kai sighed, with a grim look stained onto his face.

"There were once five Supreme Kais. I was the youngest and the weakest. However, when Bibidi created Buu, the two were killed off shortly. Both the North and the West."

"Woah, shit..!" Cell whistled.

"As for the South Supreme Kai, he was the next. But the difference was, he was absorbed rather than killed." He went on.

"And last, was the kind and gentle Grand Supreme Kai. He was absorbed, and so Buu had taken the form of what you saw when he was first brought back into this form."

"So, you're basically saying is that his personality changed from the people he absorbed?!" Vegeta inquired.

"Correct. The souls he ate tamed him, however now he has no soul. He's regressed back into pure evil incarnate, one that even Bibidi couldn't control..!"

" I guess he ain't the strongest, but the most troublesome.." Goku sighed.



They were cut off by Buu's piercing scream, fueled by nothing but animalistic instinct.

"Gah..what the hell was that?!" Vegeta growled, covering his ears.

The Majin looked around, growling softly before extending his hand and suddenly shooting out a large Ki blast to the ground.

"W-What the?!" Everyone had been completely alarmed.

Vegeta shot out a Ki blast of his own, deflecting Buu's which took the creature by surprise.

"Geez, that fucker..! He just tried to destroy the planet without any warning!" Cell growled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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