Chapter 12 - Second Conclusion! (Y/N) is the Mightiest After All!

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Third Person POV

"You..!" You began as your face scrunched up into a fierce glare, turning to Cell.

Your aura flared as your power surged, clenching your fists.

Cel chuckled and smirked, awaiting to hear your words of spite.

With one loud roar, you yelled-

"EUGENEEEEE!" You shouted with a thundery voice.

"Yes! It is I, Eug—Wait what?!" Cell stopped.

Suddenly, your fierce glare softened into a more gentle and welcoming one.

"Hey, man! Howzit goin'?" You asked calmly, your tone being more calm and cheerful.

Gohan, 18, and even Cell were feeling somewhat perplexed from your unexpected geniality.

"Well..considering that I came back from the brink of death and became stronger, I guess I'm good.." Cell stated.

"Hehe! Good!" You exclaimed.

"Uh, (Y/N)?" 18 asked.


"Don't you think you're acting a bit too..well at the very least, nice?" 18 spoke.

"Eh? Shouldn't I be?" You argued.

"Not really.." Gohan chimed. "After all, didn't he try to kill 18?"

"Yeah, and I was like, super pissed, but I already beat out all of my rage on him! I mean, I almost killed him, so I say that's enough payback!" You decided.

"Besides! We've ALL tried to kill her! Even I tried to kill her!" You informed.

"Well yeah! But that's diff-!"

"You and the other guys tried to kill her! And you guys died! You got it REALLY bad, Gohan!" You went on.

"Erm..I think we're getting off track.." Gohan told.

"And besides! HE's the reason you got all enraged and lost control in the first place! You could've killed innocent people because of him!" 18 cried.

"BUUUUUT I didn't! That was then, this is now! I'm over it!" You simply chuckled off.

18 just sighed, knowing that there was absolutely no arguing with you.

"Oh, whatever!" She huffed, turning her attention to Cell.

"You! How the hell did you even come back to life? I was sure that I couldn't sense your energy!" 18 growled.

Cell only gave a dark and nefarious chuckle.

"You really want to know that badly? Very well, I'll tell you! You see, Number 18, I-!" Cell began.

"You almost died, but there was still a part of you left. Then you started regenerating, bla bla bla, Saiyan cells saved me and now you're stronger!" You interrupted.

Everyone just blinked at your small little 'guess'.

"Oh, well take the fun out of it, why don't you?" Cell huffed.

"Wow, (Y/N)! How'd you guess?" Gohan asked.

"Simple, Gohan! I just didn't feel like sitting through an entire fucking flashback!" You answered.

"Tch..I was going to try and some fun with tormenting you fools, but now I think I'll just annihilate this entire planet with one blow!" Cell decided.

"Grgh! You sure are stubborn, but there's no way in Hell, Cell! And that's exactly where you'll be going in a bit!" 18 growled.

"Tsk. I was hoping you'd become a good guy, but if you really have every intention on messing up Earth, then I'm sorry, but I'll have to put you down once and for all." You spoke, a serious tone slipping into your voice.

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