Chapter 9 - The Games Begin

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Third Person POV

The last remaining days for the Cell Games have now finally passed.

Every living breathing human on the planet knew full-well, nobody had any intention on this day other than to watch the battle.

The battle that would completely decide their fate.

"Allllrighty! It's about that time now!" You spoke, some excitement welling up in your voice.

You were now standing outside of your home, Capsule Corp, just about to take off for the Cell Games.

The person who stood next to you, was none other than your loyal partner, Android 18.

"You sound pretty excited for this, (Y/N). Well, more than usual, at least.." She noticed.

"How COULDN'T I be excited for this?! After feeling Cell's power, I'm amped. I know what I said about how stupid it would be to do this all over again, but I guess I've changed my mind!" You gushed.

"Heh..well, I suppose it'll be exciting to watch you fight as well, (Y/N)." 18 replied with a cute smile.

"Eh? Aren't ya gonna fight too?" You asked. "I thought maybe we'd take turns!"

18 only shook her head.

"No, sweetie. I don't think today will be a good day for me to be in action..there's a reason behind it, actually." She admitted, causing you to a raise an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"Hmmm..I'll tell you AFTER you beat Cell, cutie." She decided.

"Awwwww, please?! I really really wanna knowwwww! You pleaded, causing 18 to giggle.

"Sorry (Y/N), but your cuteness won't be getting to me THIS time!" She smirked, patting your head.

"Aw, fine..!" You huffed with a pout.

"Heh..doesn't take away the fact that you're extremely cute at all, however!" She chuckled leaning in as she pressed her lips against your forehead.

"Hehe..! Alright, we should definitely go now! I already told Bulma and she's gonna rooting for us! Let's go!" You exclaimed.

"Couldn't agree more. I can't wait to see this monster finally begging for mercy!" 18 replied.

And with that, the both of you blasted off, heading over the Cell Games arena, to finally face the man response for all this chaos.


"It's here! It's here! The day has finally arrived, folks! The day of the Cell Games, the day of Earth's fate, is finally here!" A loud feminine voice announced.

And of course, it was being told by an actual announcer. One who had curly and long brown hair, along with hazel-colored eyes and a figure that all men would go for.

At this very moment, she was standing from a good distance from the perfect being known as Cell, was were various cameramen.

The announcer just went closer to the artificial life-form, putting the microphone to him.

"Perfect Cell, are you REALLY planning to annihilate the planet if you beat our hero?!" The announcer asked, energy being full in her voice.

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