Chapter 13 - Peculiar Rivalry! Are Father and Son Too Alike?!

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Third Person POV

The days of the Earth were now in a peaceful and tranquil time.

About 7 years had passed ever since the ultimate defeat of Cell, caused by the well-known and famous hero. That hero being-

Well y'know, you.

Nobody could forget about that day, even if they tried. It would truly remain as one of the utmost important piece of history within Earth.

Nobody to worry about a single thing after that even, everyone truly felt their days of peace would be secured completely.

Yes, it was truly a serene time for everybody.

Or at least...almost everybody.


That sound occurred from a lamp being pushed off and shattered.


That sound simply happened from a small desk being tipped over.


And as for that, well to put it simply..

Somebody had been socked in the face.

"Ow! Wow, nice one, son!" A cheery voice laughed, clearly being your's, (Y/N).

You had just taken a small hit right into the side of your face, much to your..enjoyment?

"Hehe! My turn now!" You chuckled as you rushed at someone, only to give a small kick into the side of their face this time.

The person, skidded back as their childlike form as able dish out the impact that they were given.

"Owie wowie! That was awesome, dad!" A very young and childish voice replied with enjoyment.

This was none other than your son, Seizan (L/N). He most definitely took an extremely similar appearance to you, his father.

But unfortunately for everyone else, that wasn't the only thing that was very similar between you two.

"C'mon! C'mon! Let's see if ya can hit me! If you win this round, we can go to Dorney Park and run on the tracks together!" You promised with an excited grin.

Within the living room of Capsule Corp, you and your soon we're now basically roughhousing in the building.

Even though you two have been multiple times to NOT do so, by two certain females who took residence in the building.

Your offspring took the exact same smile to his lips.

"REALLY?! Even on the loopy ones?!" He asked excitedly.

"ESPECIALLY on the loopy ones! And after that, we're gonna eat sooooo much funnel cake until we're covered in all that powder! Just like last time and pretended we were ghosts!" You boomed.

"YESSSSS!" Seizan responded gleefully.

"Hehe! Oh, but we're gonna have to NOT give this dude's a grandpa a heart attack this time..good thing it was the same guy who I bombed Cell with!"

"Ooooo! I LOVE terrorism!" Seizan giggled as he charged right at you.

He had to ascend into the air to meet your height level, as he had already learned how to use the ability of flight.

You both giggled buoyantly as you started to exchanging blows with each other, blocking the one another's punches and hitting the other while doing so.

Soon enough, you were given a clean opening and slid your fist right into the side of Seizan's face, but not too hard, of course.

Or at least, your version of not too hard.

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