Chapter 8 - Beastly Nature

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(A/N: Hey, before you read this! I just want everyone to be aware that while writing this, I was being dumb and put her name as 18 when they were around Bulma. Sooooo, I went through and fixed them. I'm not sure if I fixed ALL of them, but I checked three times! So please, tell me if you find any mistakes on her name!)

Third Person POV

It had been at least 3 days ever since that memorable event, the moment where the two individuals took each other's first time.

It was a very powerful and exciting moment for both powerful beings, it would most definitely never slip from their minds.

Ever since then, they spent time with tough and heated training, pushing each other to the limit to adapt to Cell's power.

But even with all what happened after that loving and lustful occurrence, something had never left a certain Android's head.

And of course, that would be her recalling you saying-

"How old do our kids gotta be for me to fight them?!"

Of course, it wasn't what you wanted to do with them, as ridiculous as it was.

It was the fact that kids were mentioned in it the first place. The mere thought of 18 having her offspring with another person, especially one she loves, strung itself to her brain.

And that of course, would leave her with thoughts like-

'Really?! He really doesn't mind the idea of us having kids?!'

'What would they look like?! Perhaps my hair? His eyes?!'

'Who would they take after more? Oh, I'd really hope it'd be me. TWO people with a mindset like (Y/N)'s would be a much worse threat than the one my brother and I was..'

And especially, once she began daydreaming of you acting like a father towards something, it'd be all she would focus on until someone snapped her back to reality.

Even now, 18 was having such thoughts as she made her way towards Capsule Corp, coming to see you yet again.

However, as right before she could enter in, she was once again brought out from her daydreaming as the roaring sound from some kind of animal ran through her ears.

"W-What the?!" She gasped as she went inside.

She felt as if she heard it from the back of Capsule Corp, so as she went through the building, she found the backdoor and out to the backyard.

Finally reaching the outside, to her surprise, she found a very peculiar scene.

As of right now, (Y/N) and Bulma were standing across from each other, arguing over something, something that was standing right next to (Y/N).

It was also something that definitely did NOT belong here.

That very thing was-

"A DINOSAUR?! You really think I'm gonna let you keep a dinosaur as a PET, (Y/N)?!" Bulma shouted at the boy, an irritated expression latched onto her face.

Well..yes, basically that.

It was indeed a very large dinosaur that was standing next to (Y/N),

It was indeed a very large dinosaur that was standing next to (Y/N),

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