Chapter 3 - Confrontation

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Third Person POV

It's been a span over two days ever since that day. 18 had been recognized as a hero of her own. While the deed seemed smaller in comparison to your's, everyone still respected over. Especially the men who found themselves to be quite attracted to the blonde damsel.

And with you having a part in saving the store, your reputation was boosted by a small margin. When putting you together, even knew you two two as the dynamic duo.

And now, you were on your couch once again.

Watching the Goldbergs.

"Holy crap, how did I NOT find this gem up until now? Oh yeah, I was doin' all that training and protecting the future jazz—Oh well!" You shrugged off as you continued to watch.


"Geez, UncleGut is really being lazy with the sound effects, huh?"

While your body refused to even dare lift your rear off the soft and comfortable couch, you somehow overpowered it with your mind as you reluctantly stood up.

You rotated your head only to see your impressive butt-print. You could've sworn that you shedded a tear.

With that, you walked off into the direction of the door. Upon reaching said door, you did the simple steps as put your hand on the knob, turned it and pulled it open.

The visitor was revealed to be-

Android 18? And her hair appeared to be a lot shorter than it previously was.

"18? I didn't expect to see you here." You told. "Hey..did you cut your hair?

"Well first off, call me 'Lazuli' when we're in public. People are gonna find out and get riled up once they know my true identity. And second off, I did. Since there are plenty of other women with this similar hairstyle and color, I figured that as long as I kept my contact lenses, I'd be fine." She explained.

You gave an understanding nod.

"Ohhh got! Alright, Lazu-Oooo can I call you LAZ?" You asked.

18 just gave an uncaring look as she shrugged, giving a signal of allowance.

"Fine by me, I could care le-"

"Ooo! Or how about Lazzy?" You suggested. You then realized something as a playful smirk grew on your face.


"What about..LAZLO? Yeah, I'm totally calling you Lazlo from now on!" You decided.

18 was now looking at you as she was completely baffled. And the sensation of distain and dread for your nicknames began to finally bubble themselves up to the surface.

Although, she somehow knew that she had brought this on herself when she talked about names with someone as yourself.

'Don't hit him..don't hit him..' She tried to convince herself within her mind.

Instead of resorting to inflicting harsh pain on you, she just gave you a sharp glare.

"NO." She sternly spoke.

"Awww! C'mon!" You pleaded.

"No way in hell!" She spat.

"Girl who wants me to call her Lazlo says-"

Evidently, 18 ended up breaking her own resolve to not hit you as she gave you a bolting kick to the shin.

"Ow!" You yelped as you held your knee.

Android 18 X Male Reader: A Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now