Chapter 6 - Distressing Announcement

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Third Person POV

"So.." A voice trailed.

It so happened to be your voice, of course. After witnessing Cell attain his desired Perfect Form, a small question popped up into your brain. And that question could only be-

"How'd you turn into your Perfect state? Y'know, without the whole..absorbing Android 18 thingy." You asked. "Althoughhhh! I'm gonna take a small guess and say it had something to do with those Saiyan cells inside of ya!"

"You've got that part correct, (Y/N). I suppose that you aren't as dim-witted as you first appeared to be!" Cell taunted.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far." 18 chimed.

"Hey!" You snapped, earning a soft giggle from the blonde Android.

"Anyways.." Cell began. "You are indeed correct about that. You see, you really struck a nerve in me, (Y/N). You caused my anger to ignite, but my anger would be the fuel for my power! My strength continued to grow as my rage stayed. As that happened, the Saiyan Cells within me responded! A new strength appeared to me, and that was my Perfect transformation!"

Cell's explanation immediately made it clear to you on what had occurred.

"Sooo went Super Saiyan?" You inquired.

"Precisely!" Cell replied.


"(Y/N), you seem very..nonchalant about this situation. Aren't you at least just a tad bit worried that he has now reached his Perfect state?" 18 asked, raising an eyebrow as she was puzzled at your he unconcerned tone.

"Hey, as long as it wasn't done by absorbing you, he can have his Perfect form!" You responded with a shrug.

18's blush came across her face yet again as her ears took in what you had said.

"A-As flattered as I am about that, don't you think he's..I dunno, dangerous now?!" She questioned, a concerned expression hanging itself to her face.

"Pftt! Yeah, he was definitely powerful as hell in the other timeline, as I'd say he's even stronger in this one!" You exclaimed. "Buuuut!"


"I've seen it beforeeee! It's not as AWESOME as it was the first time!" You griped. "And besides! I'm a lot stronger than I was when first faced off with him in his Perfect form!"

The extreme annoyance that stuck itself to your face was clear. You already knew that this was gonna be a full rerun of what you already had to go through in the other timeline.

It wasn't that you were terrified to have to do it all over again, of course, or that it was a traumatic experience. No, it was absolutely nothing of the sort.

It was just that it all sorta felt..dull. And with a person like you, dull did not mix well together.

"Juuuust watch!" You assured 18, as she simply gave an ambivalent nod while she crossed her arms.

"Oh? Not excited for the debut of my Perfect Form? Well don't fret, because I have something in store that'll get your blood boiling! I am going to-"

"Hold a tournament which you're gonna the Cell Games! Uh-huh, uh-huh?" You cut off.

"Hold a tournament called the Cell-Wha?!" Cell asked, shock and confusion spurring onto his expression as you had easily predicted what he was planning.

18 was equally as stunned, even being impressed.

"H-How did you-"

"Time machine, alternate timeline." You shortly explained. "Wellll?! C'mon, c'mon, what's nexttt?!"

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