Just a small question.

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Hey, guys! Sorry for this not being a chapter, but it IS in progress right now! I just wanted to ask a small question.

So, you all know that this book tends to have a lot of humor in it. And I really hope it's to your liking and that gets a couple of laughs outta ya

And see, I'm just wondering if you guys would be okay if the humor would sometimes to go into the hard humor at times. And by that, I mean humor that could offend some folks.

I know that it's my book and all, but I still want to make my readers comfortable when reading my content.

So basically, I just wanna know how y'all would feel if the humor went into some of the offensive territory. If not, that's fine, but I might feel a little limited, which would probably cause the quality in my writing to decline, but I'd still definitely try my best for you guys!

Anyways, that's all! The next chapter shouuuuuld be out soon enough!

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