Chapter 16 - Peace Shattered! Another Evil to Surpass?!

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Third Person POV

The two fighters vanished from thin air, leaving only blurs behind as shockwaves within the sky instantly appeared.

It was the cause of the both you fiercely trading blows once again, a punch against a knee, an elbow against an arm!

Cell spun and swung a hard kick to your way, only for it to collide into the back of your arm, in which you used to block.

Once again, you both would start harshly and roughly exchanging blows, not even taking a breath

You slammed up your knee into her chin, her head swinging backwards a little, but it hadn't stopped her from smashing both feet right into your stomach.

You spat out saliva from the force the impact, but it didn't wipe away your smirk one bit.

You slammed your fist right into Cell's face, causing her to fly back from the immense blow.

She easily caught herself however, her smile didn't fade either.

Cell put her palm out, beginning to fire out Ki blasts at a rapid pace, heading straight towards you.

You didn't even evade, as you simply sparked your aura, using it was a shield in order to deflect the Ki blasts.

You put out your hand in front of you, a golden sphere appearing on the palm of your hand.

Gripping it as if it were a ball, you reeled your hand and threw the blast right over at Cell, only for her to swipe to left and simply dodge it.

The blast landed far way from the tournament, but upon coming in contact with the ground, a very huge and grandiose explosion occurred from behind Cell.

Everyone's jaw dropped upon seeing the explosion occur. Sure, most of them had seen it from the Cell Games, but that it was mostly it, so these types of unnatural things were still very amazing and astonishing to them.

"S-Shit! Are these two even holding back?!" Trunks asked.

"Unfortunately, they are! This is just what happens when they're excited!" 18 answered. "I never imagined he'd become this powerful, even with these 7 years..!"

"Incredible! I can't believe he's surpassed like this!" Gohan exclaimed, completely impressed at his student.

"Let's hope they'll finish this battle before getting serious!" Krillin chimed.

"Heh..I expected nothing less." Vegeta chuckled, smirking at the two, especially (Y/N).

Meanwhile, the battle continued, both fighters still trying to get any hit they could on each other.

"Dude! You just *punch* basically threw a freakin' *kick* nuclear bomb!" Cell exclaimed as she was exchanging blows with you.

"Aw, I hope I *dodge* didn't commit *punch* a little bit of genocide there!" You spoke, your voice still lighthearted and cheerful with your words.

"Nah, dude! I'm pretty sure that *block* 95% of *elbow* this place's population is here right now!" Cell assured.

"Ooo! Great! Wouldn't *block* wanna get *dodged* yelled at for THAT again!" You chuckled.

You both let out delighted laughs as you continued to rapidly come at each other.

You slammed your fist right into Cell's stomach, causing her to curl over and cough up a bit of blood.

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