Chapter 20 - Inheritance | Part 1

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No Time for Despair! The Stronger Opponents Make the Best Ones!

Third Person POV

"Ugh..!" A voice groggily groaned.

That voice belonged to you, who had finally began to regain consciousness as your vision and sense would return to you

"Geez..what the hell?" You scoffed.

You began to stretch your limbs. Once you were done that, you looked around, finally realizing your surroundings were quite different from before.

The surface you were currently sitting on was a bunch of white tiles. There were small trees on the platform and a few buildings that were built closely together.

"Eh..? I'm at the Lookout?" You asked to yourself.

"Huh? Oh! You finally woke up, (Y/N)." A voice spoke.

You whipped your head around, only to see Android 18, gazing at you with her caring blue eyes.

"Eh..? Hey, 18!" You replied, going ahead to stand up on your feet. "Wow...we're at Kami's Lookout?"

She gave you a simple nod.

"Yeah, that's right. But..there's a lot of things you need to be filled in on." She told, her voice having a tense tone.

You tilted your head, holding confusion within it.

"Huh..? Like what?" You asked.

"Just c'mon!" She urged as she gently grabbed your hand, immediately pulling you along with her as she walked to a certain group of people.

And that certain group consisted of your friends, the Z-Fighters.

Piccolo, Krillin, and Yamcha were there. And with that, it could only be deduced that Seizan and Goten had been brought here as well.

That was proven further as you saw in the corner of their eye, they were conversing amongst themselves.

But what really caught your surprise was that you could see the one and only Son Goku amongst the others. It seems he made it out of his battle with Vegeta pretty okay.

And even more of a shock, were the more casual cast of the group, being Roshi, Oolong, Chichi, Bulma and Videl.

The three women however, seemed to have troubled expressions on their faces for whatever reason.

"Oh! Hey guys!" You called out, a cheery tone filling your voice as usual.

The group turned to you, looking directly at you with relived expressions.

"Oh! Hey, (Y/N)! Wow, I'm glad you're alright now!" Goku replied, his voice full of energy as usual.

"(Y/N)!" A certain feminine voice called out to you.

It wasn't before long that you felt two tight arms wrap around you tightly. You recognized them immediately.

"O-Oh! Hey, mom!" You exclaimed, quite surprised at her sudden hug. Nevertheless, you returned the hug.

It was indeed Bulma, she was holding you in her warm embrace quite tightly.

"God, I'm so glad you're alright!" She cried.

Her voice sounded quite shaky and scared.

"Eh..? Are you alright, mom..? What's-!"

"Daaaad!" A child-like voice called out.

Quickly after, you could feel a pair of arms wrapping around your legs in a tight hug.

You grinned widely, looking down at the culprit, who to no surprise, was your son.

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