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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ he just needs a hug :))

✰ eren would just want
to cuddle with y/n if
he's really sad

✰ just cuddles all day omg
i am touch deprived-

✰ he'd want to be the
small spoon for once.

✰ y/n would need to
reassure him and
say stuff to him so he'd
feel better and uauabszj


✰ levi wouldn't make it
obvious he's sad or say
anything so its up to y/n

✰ if y/n notices he's sad,
she'll make him tea

✰ ask if he wants to talk
about it and if not, they'll
just cuddle

✰ if levi does wanna talk
about it, they talk while
cuddling :))

✰ if he'll cry, y/n will hug
him and never let go

✰ he is brocken 🥀


✰ when armin is sad, he
will be hella quiet and
look as if he's gonna
burst into tears

✰ he'll hug y/n and
not say anything but y/n
knows whats up

✰ cuddles, cuddles, cuddles

✰ kisses too ueiashajzn

✰ armin will talk once he's
calmed down but he always
ends up crying

✰ all armin needs are y/n's
kisses and hugs, just give
him that


✰ he'll be much more serious
and quiet, more pissed off

✰ when y/n pulls him aside
and asks whats up, he tell
her everything

✰ he'll just need a hug which lasts
awhile agsushs

✰ he'll need a kiss too, but a nice
one :))

✰ he won't cry tho, he'll hold back


✰ when connie is in his sad boy
hrs, he'll be serious and it is
s c a r y

✰ he'll tell y/n whats happening
before she even asks

✰ he'll hug her and he'll need some
soft and sweet kisses

✰ he'll be fine when he's talked to
y/n, he'll feel relieved when she
reassures him


✰ bertholdt won't tell y/n
the reason he's sad until
she asks

✰ he'll probably burst into
tears while trying to

✰ hugs, cuddles, kisses, pls

✰ he's be the small spoon
while cuddling and he'll be
scared to let go of y/n


✰ it will take awhile to get reiner
to open up but when he does,
hug him pls

✰ he'll need a hug (well
everyone in aot needs a hug-)

✰ he's really quiet and won't say

✰ he'll be the small spoon, somehow


✰ erwin will ask for cuddle time

✰ he's the small spoon and he'll
explain everything to y/n

✰ expect lots of kisses,
he'll kiss a lot, especially
on her hands

✰ he'll fall asleep in y/n's
arms and awwhsiahzbz

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