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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ eren doesn't mind

✰ he likes to show people
that y/n is his

✰ but sometimes he'd
get mad when he's
kissing y/n and someone
stares and he's like "tf
you looking at perv"

✰ whatever y/n is
comfortable with, he'll
be okay with it too


✰ man does not do pda
nope nuh uh

✰ he prefers to kiss y/n
and make out with her
ALONE with no one

✰ he'd be okay with
holding her hand, his hand
on her thigh while sitting,
giving her a quick peck

✰ but don't expect anything
bold bc levi likes to keep
that stuff in private


✰ too shy to do much
like omggg its so cute

✰ he would only hold
her hand and kiss
her cheek as a
greeting or good bye

✰ if he's feeling bold, he
would place his hand on
y/n's thigh if she's okay
with it but that doesn't
happen often

✰ very shy with pda at the
beginning of the relationship


✰ people think he's bold
but no, do you see how he
is with mikasa???

✰ when jean and y/n
first started dating, jean
was very shy and awkward
when it came to pda

✰ now he doesn't care
and will grab y/n's ass
whenever (if she's okay
with it)

✰ he'd make out with
y/n, forgetting they're in


✰ connie didn't care about
pda, he'd kiss y/n whenever
he wanted and where he wanted

✰ if y/n isn't okay with doing
certain things in public, tell
connie bc he's clueless and
he'd respect her boundaries
and stuff

✰ he wouldn't make out with
y/n, instead just small kisses
and cute hand holding

✰ sometimes connie would
run up to y/n behind her and
hug her and carry her as
a greeting and it scares y/n
every morning


✰ bertholdt is very shy
when it comes to pda
throughout the whole

✰ he'd only be okay with
hand holding

✰ he can do kisses, like
cute, quick ones but he
still gets very flustered
from those

✰ over time, which will be
AWHILE bertholdt will
open up to more stuff
and become more


✰ doesn't mind if y/n
isn't comfortable with
doing pda but he absolutely
loves it

✰ just simple hand holding
gets him all warm inside
and all happy and excited

✰ reiner always kisses
y/n like always, he just
has to

✰ reiner can adjust if
y/n doesn't wanna do
certain things tho but
it will take some time for
him to get used to


✰ erwin does not do

✰ he's all professional
and wants to keep it that

✰ if him and y/n are out
on a date, he doesn't mind
but its a different situation
when they're at work, the
military or whateva 😩

✰ don't expect any pda from
erwin bc he doesn't do that
while working

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