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guide !

y/n : your name



           EREN !

✰ it was during the battle
of trost when the two

✰ before running into
trost again to seal the
hole at the gate, y/n
confessed to eren
how she felt towards

✰ he was still confused
about his feelings
towards y/n so he
said he will give her
a straight answer after

✰ but sadly after battle,
y/n couldn't find eren.

✰ then she joined the
survey corps and found eren
there where he crushed her in
a hug and told her that he
liked her a lot.

           LEVI !

✰ y/n's father, erwin, accidentally
told levi that y/n likes him
which led to levi searching
for y/n at hq.

✰ levi found her cleaning her
office and he asked her
about her feelings towards

✰ of course levi slipped
on a rag and fell on top
of y/n.

✰ she admitted she does
like him and levi said he
does too, while blushing.

           ARMIN !

✰ the two confessed before
going into battle of trost to
plug the hole.

✰ y/n asked armin if they
could talk, which he agreed
to, and the two went some-
where slightly secluded.

✰ she confessed her feelings
for the blond who happily
returned her feelings.

✰ the two shared a kiss,
which was awkward
but made the two
become overjoyed
with happiness.

           JEAN !

✰ it was the night before
their first expedition.

✰ jean was ranting to
y/n about something
eren did which really
pissed him off.

✰ jean let it slip out
that he likes her and
y/n was like "what did
you say".

✰ jean ran out of her dorm
and y/n chased him.

✰ she tackled him down in
the hall and she told him
she likes him too.

✰ jean then leaned up to
kiss her which she

           CONNIE !

✰ connie confessed his
feelings for y/n in the
last year of training.

✰ the two were just
chilling in y/n's bunk
and he sort of started
leaning in to kiss her.

✰ y/n was like "tf are you
doing" and he felt
completely embarrassed.

✰ connie fell back onto the
bed and he said he likes her.

✰ y/n crashed on top
of him and confessed she
likes him too.

           BERTHOLDT !

✰ the two got stuck
cleaning the dishes and
it sorta happened there.

✰ bertholdt was just talking
about reiner teasing him
and it kinda slipped out.

✰ he felt like dying at that
moment but y/n was so happy.

✰ y/n crushed him into a hug
and said that she likes him too.

✰ then shadis walked in but
we pretend to forget that part.

           REINER !

✰ reiner and y/n sort of
got in a fight and y/n
locked him in a closet
in the girls cabin.

✰ reiner started talking
about random stuff that
would make y/n feel bad
and let him out.

✰ then he said he likes her a
lot and that's when she
unlocked the door, saying
she likes him too.

✰ of course reiner crushed her
in a hug and kissed her all
over her face.

           ERWIN !

✰ hange accidentally let it
slip out when she was arguing
with levi and erwin and y/n
were watching them
like 👁️👄👁️.

✰ hange ran out of the room
and levi chased after her which
left both erwin and y/n alone.

✰ erwin asked if it was true
and y/n said yes.

✰ then erwin kissed her forehead,
saying he likes her too.

✰ now hange and levi were
watching the two have
a moment outside
the room like 👁️👄👁️.

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