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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ eren is quite stubborn so
y/n would have to be the
one to talk to him and
make up

✰ eren secretly misses y/n
and just wants to hug her
and kiss her and apologize
for being a dick <33

✰ sometimes mikasa will
force eren to go talk to y/n
and make up with her

✰ making up with eren so sweet,
its just cuddles and eren
apologizing while kissing her
and just talking softly to each

✰ rarely eren will have make up
sex with y/n after making up
but if he does, its really soft and


✰ he would never be the first
one to talk, not because he's
stubborn but because he wants
to torture y/n

✰ levi would feel so proud when
y/n goes to make up with him

✰ he just staring at her all proud
and feeling evil and she's there
like 😐

✰ levi would make it up to her
and take her out on a small
date, either on the rooftop to
look at the stars or something

✰ maybe sex if y/n is into that
but she has to initiate it, levi
doesn't give af about that and
is too awkward to initiate it


✰ armin would go apologize
(even though most of the time
he didnt start it but whatever)

✰ eren or mikasa will have to
stop him because armin is
always the one to take the

✰ armin doesn't care, he just want
to be with his sweet girl and

✰ he'd be so happy when y/n
and him make up, just lots of
affection that day

✰ make up sex isn't something
armin jumps into but timeskip
armin is a whole other story


✰ jean is dramatic and stubborn
so you're funny if you really think
he's gonna be the first to apologize

✰ someone would have to force him,
usually connie or sasha but they're
zero help

✰ it would be marco but he's dead
so 🤷‍♀️

✰ after making up, jean would
kiss y/n so much and just
ask to take her on a date or
to cuddle

✰ jean is a fan of make up sex so
expect that 😀👍


✰ he would be the first one to
make up and apologize

✰ connie cant last one day without
y/n so he'll beg to take him

✰ connie would think its over
and that they've broken up
and y/n is like "but we

✰ y/n has to make it up to him
with lots of cuddles and
reassuring him.

✰ if timeskip connie is mad
about the fight, expect
a punishment ifykyk


✰ bertholdt would go to make
up with her because he feels so
bad and misses her

✰ bertholdt and y/n make up
pretty quick so like its only like
a two day fight

✰ cuddles cuddles cuddles
all day

✰ bertholdt would keep on
apologizing like bby it
wasn't your fault

✰ whenever bertholdt makes up
with y/n, he doesn't automatically
think "ooh make up sex 🥺" he
prefers cuddles and soft


✰ if reiner knows y/n is
in the wrong, he waits for her
to apologize

✰ he can wait however
long for that make up

✰ doesn't mean he still doesn't
miss her

✰ once they make up, reiner
is so happy omg he just
wants to hug her all day

✰ also not the type to
jump right into make
up sex. he just wants to
talk and catch up and


✰ erwin will apologize if he
realizes he is in the wrong
but if it's y/n, he will patiently

✰ after making up and apologizing,
he'd take her out on a date and
its very expensive and romantic

✰ he spoils y/n so much after
making up

✰ erwin isn't that big on
cuddling but he doesn't mind
if y/n wants to

✰ make up sex isn't something
he thinks about, if y/n wants
that dick she has to say it
because he is kind of oblivious

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