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guide !

y/n : your name




✰ eren was so scared for
y/n's safety, he was terrified
of losing her.

✰ he begged levi to let y/n
switch squads just so he
can know she's safe with

✰ levi said no lol

✰ y/n had to reassure him
and cuddle with him the
night before the expedition
to calm him down.

✰ during the expedition, all
he can think about is y/n and
if she was okay.

✰ he didn't see her at all which
terrified him.

✰ once they returned, he crushed
y/n in a hug and he never wanted
to let go.

✰ that night, eren needed to be
with y/n so the two cuddled in
her dorm.


✰ levi wasn't really scared for
his first expedition but he was
worried about y/n.

✰ he hated that he wasn't in the
same squad as her so he didn't
know if she was safe.

✰ levi was pretty focused but y/n
still lingered in his mind, hoping
that she was okay.

✰ he felt relief when he saw her,
delivering a message to his squad
leader at the time.

✰ after the expedition, he stayed
with y/n and cried with her all
night since he lost two of his
friends that day.


✰ armin was terrified since he
was scared of losing y/n.

✰ he knew she was strong
but he couldn't get rid of
these negative thoughts.

✰ armin would've felt much
better if y/n was on the same
squad as him but noooo she
was put on some other squad.

✰ the night before, armin spent
a lot of time with y/n and studied
the formation, he was very clingy
and it was adorable.

✰ he finally saw y/n in that titan
forest lmao i forgot the name

✰ anywhore, he stayed by y/n's
side after that and slept in
her dorm that night.


✰ jean acted all tough but he
was actually super scared of
losing y/n.

✰ throughout the expedition, he
wasn't too worried because she
was on the dame squad as reiner.

✰ however, he still felt a little

✰ before the expedition, jean did
hug y/n before leaving hq and
he did study the formation with
her, just an excuse to spend time
with her

✰ he felt relieved when he saw y/n
with armin and reiner

✰ after that female titan encounter,
jean stayed close to y/n, he got
super protective and it was
kinda hot, chile lemme hide


✰ connie was terrified to go on
the expedition and he was lucky
y/n was on the same squad as

✰ he always stayed by her side
and made sure no danger
came her way.

✰ the night before, he was going
to sneak into her dorm but he
got caught GDHAJAJSS

✰ but y/n did help him study
the formation and spent as
much time with him as

✰ after the expedition, he
stayed with y/n the whole rest
of the day.

✰ he was able to sneak into her
dorm since he sucks at sneaking


✰ bertholdt was so scared of
losing y/n, he wouldn't live
without her.

✰ luckily, y/n is on the same
squad as reiner so bertholdt
thought she was going to be
all right but he still couldn't
help but almost shit himself
at the thought of y/n dying

✰obviously bertholdt was with
y/n the night before and he was
so affectionate and ugh my heart

✰ after the expedition, he stayed
with y/n for the rest of the day,
feeling super guilty.

✰ bertholdt wasnt able to stay
with her for the night so she
snuck into his dorm


✰ reiner was terrified but never
admitted it, he didn't want y/n
to be more scared than she
already was.

✰ he was sure y/n was going
to be fine since she wasn't
at the outer part of the
formation so he was pretty

✰ he was calm until there was
news spreading about titans
killing everyone, how fun

✰ he saw y/n at the forest and
immediately went to her side,
asking if she was okay

✰ after the expedition, reiner
stayed with y/n for the night
and she used him as a big
old teddy bear


✰ erwin was scared on his
first expedition bc he was
worried for y/n

✰ he always went to y/n when
they stopped to camp or for
breaks and stuff like that,
always making sure she was

✰ before the expedition, he was
his normal self and now all of
a sudden he is all protective.

✰ after the expedition, he got mad
bc y/n injured her ankles (sangwoo
up in this bitch) and he was
pretty protective, more than he
already was.

✰ he made y/n sleep in his room
and he didn't ever want to
let her go.

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