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guide !

y/n : your name




*season 2 spoilers for bert and reiner !*


✰ he would act as if it wasn't
that bad but y/n says otherwise

✰ y/n wouldnt be able to help
heal him since his abilities
allow him to do so himself

✰ instead, y/n would ask if
he's okay and he's like "what
it look like"

✰ mikasa, armin, and y/n by
his side and eren is sitting
there with steam emitting
from him


✰ when levi gets hurt, he'd
let y/n come to his aid

✰ if it's a small wound, he'd
take care of it himself

✰ constantly telling y/n he
is fine as he is bleeding out
of his hand

✰ levi doesn't want y/n to worry
so much over him so he tries
to deal with his wound before
she knows


✰ he loves it when y/n
begins to baby him or
comfort him to distract him
from the pain

✰ armin hates it when she
babies him in front of every-
one else though.

✰ armin would always reassure
y/n and tell her he is okay,
only if its a small wound.

✰ armin doesn't mind when
y/n is by his side, he feels
really loved and cared for.


✰ loves it when y/n immediately
comes to his side to tend to his

✰ he acts so dramatic like he is

✰ if it's a serious situation,
he'd stay quiet and reassure
y/n that he is okay

✰ jean loves it when y/n helps
him in front of everyone, he
always gives everyone a smug look


✰ connie, like jean, is dramatic
when he has a small wound

✰ but if its bad, he'd stay quiet
and watch y/n help him

✰ he'd hype up y/n as she is
helping him

✰ he' s like "yeah babe you're
killing it, are you guys seeing
this shit, isn't she amazing"


✰ bertholdt feels so bad
when y/n comes over to
help him with his wounds

✰ he debates to whether or not
to go somewhere to heal himself

✰ would be the kind to say "im
okay i swear, im just gonna go"
with a fucking knife stabbed
in him

✰ feel like he gets embarrassed when
he gets hurt so he's real silent
when y/n tries to help


✰ reiner would purposely not
activate his abilities just so he
can watch y/n get worried over

✰ he feels like a king, having her
get him water, carefully bandaging

✰ if they're alone and reiner
still hasn't used his abilities to
heal, y/n would stop trying
to help him

✰ reiner would get hurt on
purpose so he can watch y/n
run over to him with a first
aid kit


✰ erwin would act as if its
nothing and try to bandage himself

✰ he'd get someone else
to help him instead of y/n

✰ y/n by side, all worried
and erwin is there like ☺️

✰ pls erwin would punish
y/n if she tries to help

✰ punish like horse
duty or some shit none
of that *stuff*

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