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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ eren most likely started
the fight

✰ whenever y/n and eren have
a fight, they're yelling at
each other and it is so scary

✰ usually would end with a heated
make out session or more lol but
if it was really bad, y/n would
most likely leave the room to
cool off

✰ eren would need to be left
alone as well to cool off since
he may punch whoever speaks
to him or breathes his way

✰ probably very pissed off
at y/n so whenever he sees her,
he gets very mad


✰ levi is very scary during
fights bc he is angry and
its just scary

✰ during fights, levi tries his
hardest to not lash out and
try to work it out with y/n

✰ if y/n is too stubborn or
levi loses his temper, he'd
yell at y/n to get out or he'd
get out himself

✰ ignores y/n and only
speaks to her if its for

✰ just very cold to her
but he doesn't talk badly
about her, he's pretty


✰ during fights, if its bad
and there's screaming, armin
may have voice cracks bc he is
most likely on the verge of tears

✰ armin will try to work it
out with y/n, solve the
problem logically

✰ if armin gets pissed, he will
start to yell

✰ will yell at y/n, tell her horrible
things if it gets out of control i
mean he's a scorpio and kind
of manipulative pls-

✰ armin would immediately
regret it and feel bad about
their fight


✰ if its a bad fight, which he
probably started, he will most
likely begin to yell at y/n

✰ sometimes they'd end the
fight very quickly with some
sex or something

✰ but if its serious, jean
will leave the room and give
y/n the silent treatment

✰ he is mad at y/n but will
attack anyone who talks
shit about her

✰ pretty angry at y/n but
when its been a week and he
isn't mad anymore, he'd be too
stubborn to go make it up


✰ connie isn't usually the one
to start fights

✰ if a fight happens, connie
would be confused and try
to work it out

✰ if y/n is stubborn, connie
won't give up and continue
to make it up in some way

✰ connie will get mad if y/n
says something offensive
or triggering

✰ honestly connie may seem
dumb and he is but he will try
his best to work it out with


✰ bertholdt isn't usually
the one to get mad, it's
pretty rare since he's
understanding and open

✰ when he does get mad,
it was probably bc he was
in a bad mood or something
just triggered him

✰ bertholdt will try to work
it out and talk but he'll be
silent and listen to y/n first

✰ he would never talk over or
yell, if he does he would
regret it and feel so bad

✰ but that never happens,
bertholdt stays pretty calm
during fights


✰ reiner has split personalities
so its always a surprise
during a fight

✰ sometimes he would yell at
y/n and its very scary

✰ other times he is pretty
calm and listens to what
y/n has to say

✰ when he is alone and
it was a bad fight AND I
would hit the wall or

✰ he would immediately
try to work it out with
y/n because he can't
stand being separated
from her


✰ erwin is very calm during

✰ because he is listening
and man thinks yelling
is just unnecessary

✰ pls he would be listening
to y/n with a smile and she's
like "are u even listening" and
he's like "yes :)"

✰ if it becomes bad, like its
a bad bad fight, erwin would
leave y/n alone for a bit

✰ erwin is very mature about
fights and knows how to
work around them and he
gives y/n her space, whatever
she needs.

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