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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ whenever y/n gets a nightmare,
eren would be asleep still.

✰ eren is a heavy sleeper, its hard
to wake him up so y/n doesn't try,
she also feels bad for trying to wake
him up

✰ y/n would just cuddle into his
warmth if the nightmare wasn't
too bad

✰ however, if it was a bit
horrifying, y/n would get out of bed
and go out for some fresh air or
some water.

✰ this is when eren wakes up, he can't
sleep without y/n by his side.


✰ whenever y/n has a nightmare,
she would wake up and levi by her side.

✰ levi would wake up very easily, just
by hearing her gasps or panting since
he is a light sleeper and also, man
barely gets any sleep

✰ he would be laying there and see y/n
just waking up and be like wtf

✰ levi would listen to y/n talk about
the nightmare however if she doesn't
want to then he'd simply hug her.

✰ he'd offer to make some tea or get

✰ levi isn't very good at showing
affection so he tries his best :)


✰ when y/n has a nightmare, armin
would be right there by her side since
he is a light sleeper.

✰ he'll comfort her and cuddle her
and be very affectionate

✰ armin would give her water or
go outside with her, he'd do anything
to make her feel better

✰ armin would probably start to talk
about the outside world, mainly the ocean,
to distract y/n from her nightmare.

✰ armin is very good at comforting
and he just wants to make sure y/n
is okay and he'd do anything to
make her feel happy.

✰ simp


✰ jean becomes very awkward
when trying to comfort y/n

✰ jean would hug y/n when she
woke up from a nightmare and
kiss her forehead

✰ he doesn't know what to say,
only if she wants to talk about it

✰ if y/n decides to talk to about it,
jean would fall asleep while listening
since he is so tired

✰ if y/n doesn't want to talk about
it, jean would go get water with her,
get fresh air or something but
he would definitely fall asleep.


✰ connie will not wake up if
y/n wakes up from a nightmare.

✰ y/n has to be the one to wake him

✰ and if connie wakes up somehow,
he's be so sleepy and groggy and sound
really weird since he is trying to
process everything

✰ he'd go back to sleep and hug y/n
closely while mumbling "its okay"
like a drunk man

✰ connie would not remember what
happened in the morning and if he
did, he would think it was a dream.


✰ whenever y/n has a nightmare,
bertholdt would wake up immediately
and do his best to make her feel better.

✰ he'd cuddle her and kiss her and
try to make her forget about the
nightmare she had.

✰ bertholdt will get up to go get
water for y/n but come back
asking if she'd come with bc
it is too dark pls-

✰ bertholdt is scared he is not
a very good boyfriend so he
tries his hardest to take care
of y/n.


✰ reiner would be very sleepy
when he wakes up but when
he realizes y/n had a nightmare,
he'd do anything to make her
feel better

✰ reiner would pick her up and
take her outside or to the bathroom
for a bath or to hang out in the kitchen
and eat food

✰ y/n would most likely fall asleep
while doing whatever, reiner will
bring her back to bed and cuddle her

✰ reiner loves y/n very much and
always wants her to be okay


✰ when y/n has a nightmare,
she doesnt wake up erwin

✰ erwin would wake up on his
own since her soft cries can wake
him, he is a light sleeper.

✰ he'd immediately give her a
big head and they'd just cuddle

✰ no words would be exchanged,
just erwin's warmth would make
y/n feel better.

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