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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ when eren is drunk,
he is very angry

✰ like angrier than usual

✰ its terrifying

✰ he'd be yelling at everything
and everyone

✰ he bumps into the wall and start
yelling at the wall

✰ eren would yell at y/n and
tell her to beat up the wall with

✰ its such a pain to get him
to bed bc he's yelling angrily
at everything


✰ levi doesnt get drunk

✰ its impossible

✰ if he does somehow get
drunk which is never than he
would be the same but more

✰ levi, when he is drunk somehow,
just says what is on his mind
and its the funniest shit

✰ but anyways he doesn't get drunk

✰ like ever so y/n is never worried
about him


✰ armin becomes so scared
of everything when he gets

✰ he is by y/n' side the whole
time, just clinging onto her

✰ flinches at every small thing

✰ armin is on the verge of tears
if y/n gets too far away from

✰ he does not trust anyone,
only y/n and mikasa

✰ so terrified of eren bc "eren
is scary when he is angry"

✰ y/n has to go into bed and
cuddle with him so he can fall


✰ he becomes very flirty

✰ like a lot more flirty

✰ he laughs at the dumbest
and smallest things as well

✰ jean forgot y/n is his girlfriend
so he is just "wow that girl is
very hot" and everyone is like
"thats your girlfriend"

✰ very touchy with y/n

✰ literally barks at anyone
who comes near her

✰ jean is gonna try to get
into y/n's pants bye-


✰ connie becomes the opposite
if his sober self

✰ he is just very serious and
looks so sad like????

✰ once the alcohol hits, he
just is so quiet and serious
its so weird

✰ he barely talks and is
just judging everyone

✰ connie will do the most
random things though

✰ pls he is just all quiet and serious
and just lets out a scream out of
nowhere and act like nothing happened.


✰ bertholdt just judges everyone

✰ becomes really loud like what

✰ he is laughing so loud, yelling
instead of talking

✰ he says exactly what is on his

✰ bertholdt would straight up say
"youre kinda ugly" "your eyes are
so far apart" "you have a weird

✰ he's literally so mean to everyone

✰ the only person bertholdt is
actually kind to is y/n bye-


✰ he's such a big pervert when
he is drunk

✰ reiner doesn't do anything
to anyone, he's only flirting
with y/n and touching her

✰ reiner gets so sad when
y/n tries to stop him

✰ reiner begins to think
y/n doesn't love him any-

✰ he's so dramatic too


✰ erwin doesn't get drunk

✰ its very rare when he
gets drunk

✰ if he does somehow get
drunk, he literally acts
the same but just laughs
so much

✰ he finds everything so funny

✰ literally his sense of humor
becomes broken

✰ erwin would be standing and
laughing at someone's bald
head before collapsing and just
sleeping on the floor

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